Monday, September 11, 2023

This is the best option for 2024


Let's go Brandon!!

Just chalk this up as one more of the stupid lies this idiot spews whenever the mood strikes him.    Maybe his staff should fact check his speeches. 


Marshal Art said...

It's amazing this man amongst men would stand for any of his underlings cutting him off so easily, unless of course he's fully aware he's always been out of his league, and never so much as now, and appreciates anyone who will help him escape the expectation of being that which he cannot be.

Craig said...

I just updated this with the CNN story about his latest "gaffe". He's clearly unable to consistently speak publicly in any sort of coherent manner without lying at this point.

I guess that's one way to define a "speech impediment", right?

Marshal Art said...

That's just another case of Dan defending his own at all costs regardless of the issue.

Craig said...


Obviously Dan has a problem with 2024. He's adamantly against Trump in any way shape or form, not that he's open minded enough to vote GOP anyway. He has to know (even if he won't admit it) that Biden is completely past his sell by date, and that the continuing slow leak of all the stuff he's ignored as a "conspiracy theory" isn't going to stop. He also has to know that Harris is a clown show. It appears that he's so committed the whatever the DFL says, that there's no way he'd even consider Kennedy. It's quite the conundrum. It's likely he'll continue to give lip service to Biden meeting some low bar of "decency" which allows him a fig leaf to hide behind. It's also likely that he'll say that he's willing to vote for someone "better" than Biden. Unfortunately the decision regarding the 2024 DFL candidate will be not be made in free, fair elections and he'll be stuck trying to pimp for Joe.

Marshal Art said...

He didn't believe Biden/Harris was a stupid choice in 2020 and it wasn't any less obvious then. The only difference now is how much more solidly confirmed it is. What the Dems do won't matter. He'll vote for whomever or whatever they put up to run against whomever is the GOP nominee.

Craig said...


I can't believe that any reasonably intelligent, adult human on planet earth doesn't know (on some level) that Biden is a disaster waiting to happen. You cannot convince me that anyone outside of his family really believes that he's competent to fill the role of POTUS. Now, they'll put the bumper stickers on their hybrids and bikes, they'll put the yard signs up, and they'll tell everyone how much better it is that we're paying $4.09/gallon for gas than paying $1.80/gallon for gas. They'll say the words and vote in small droves, but there's no way a halfway sentient person can Truly believe that Biden is even remotely capable of 4 more years.

Marshal Art said...

He wasn't capable of it the first four, and despite how obvious that was to anyone paying attention, they voted for him anyway as if they could possibly do better than Trump at the time. The very thought was stupidly absurd, especially when it was determined Biden would be the Dem nominee! It's difficult to believe, though not impossible for it to change, that Trump won't be the nominee again. There's no way the same morons won't again vote against him. In what sane world can one believe any Dem option would not simply continue the same crap which has decimated the culture and rule of law? Dems simply cannot mustn't again. Biden simply mustn't, either. That's all there is to it.

Craig said...

"The ATTACK on the capitol WAS violent."

Like the 2020 riots, it was mostly peaceful. How many buildings were burned, looted, destroyed, or damaged?

"Roughly 114 US Capitol Police officers reported injuries as a result of the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021"

Yeah, the reports of all the CPD deaths were so accurate, let's just trust Dan and his cherry picked stats.

"But don't let reality stop you from defending violent criminals intent on subverting a legal election."

Don't let reality stop you from making up this kind of bullshit.

"Seriously, save yourself. Repent. Rebuke these racist thugs and criminals. Rebuke Trump for inciting them (which happened in the real world - WE ALL SAW IT ON LIVE TV). Rebuke the Marshals and Glenns of the world who are probably too far gone. Distance yourself from the crazies and admit your mistake in defending violent criminals intent on subverting our free republic."

Blah, blah, blah, same old crap. I guess the violent criminals who threatened and engaged in violence against our "free republic"'s judicial system and law enforcement get a pass.

"History will remember those who defended Trump and the insurrectionists as criminals. Get on the right side of history and decency."

The old "right side of history" bullshit. The very notion that you have the hubris to claim that you both know and are on "the right side of history" simply reinforces my belief that you are delusional.

"And of course, it's a stupidly false damned lie to say I supported any violence. To hell with that diabolical claim from the pits of hell. I GET that the modern GOP is fine with making shit up but seriously, stop it. Shame on you. Have you no decency, sir? Just stop with the stupidly overtly false claims."

This made up bullshit would be slightly more effective had you not made a "stupidly false claim" in this very comment. The double standard is strong with this one.

"God have mercy on your sad lying soul. Open your eyes. Repent. It's not too late. Save yourself."

I don't consider having to agree with you to represent being saved from anything, nor do I believe that self-salvation is a thing. But thanks for clarifying that you do.

Craig said...

"The data belies your uninformed opinion. Hell, the insurrectionists SAY that they were encouraged by Trump to stop/impede the election. So, it doesn't matter what you think in your head. What matters is reality."

Interesting notion. Are you really saying that if someone believes that someone else said something (even if that third party didn't actually say that thing) that is proof that the third party actually said what they didn't say? Are you really saying that what some one infers from someone else trumps what was actually said?


I understand that you cannot produce any actually example of Trump saying "overthrow the government", but we do have proof of him telling the protesters not to do what they did.

"Yes, that is exactly what they did, in hopes of throwing the election to the loser. According to THEM. Again, what you think in your head doesn't matter. What matters is reality."

Do you even realize that you just agreed that they didn't try to "overthrow the government"?

"“The boss of the country said, ‘People of the country, come on down, let people know what you think,’” Pezzola’s defense lawyer, Michael Scibetta, told Reuters. “The logical thinking was, ‘He invited us down.’”..."

1. What this person inferred (and the inference is admitted in the quote), doesn't mean that Trump actually said to "overthrow the government".

2. Read the quote and explain how ‘People of the country, come on down, let people know what you think,’, magically means "overthrow the government"?

"At least six of the 170 people charged in connection with the Capitol siege have tried to shift at least some of the blame onto Trump as they defend themselves in court "

Which is irrelevant unless they can produce proof that Trump explicitly told them to "overthrow the government". It's also shocking that people who've been charged with crimes choose the "BTOG" defense.

"It has nothing to do with what I am saying. It's what THEY are admitting."

But what they're "admitting" isn't that Trump said "overthrow the government".

"Again, whatEVER you might think in your own little head doesn't change reality. These people HAVE been found guilty of insurrection in the real world by a fair court and a jury of their peers. Now, I GET that modern GOP like to have "alternative facts" and "conspiracy theories," but none of that changes reality."

WOW, talk about living in a fantasy world.

Because this is all worse that killing someone, gotcha.

Marshal Art said...

A clearer example of modern progressive projection would be hard to find. How many were arrested? Something like 800 people or so. How many of them acted in a violent manner? Maybe 100? 200 at best. Video footage suggests some of that violent behavior came AFTER CP lobbed smoke bombs and flash bangs at an other wise peacefully marching group of people. Thus, some were provoked to violence by those whining about being attacked. This isn't the say the people were pissed. But unlike Dan's beloved BLM/antifa rioters of the previous summer, these people had legit reason for their outrage and it was that which provoked it. The "racial justice" liars had only myth and a willful distortion of recent police action to rationalize their burning, looting and murdering.

Also consider that it was quite likely some of those (if not all of those) who pointed to Trump were threatened with severe punishment and only accused him in hopes of getting their innocent asses out of a jam. But Dan would never consider that because he needs Trump supporters to be regarded as criminals because embrace grace.

The entire prosecution of the Jan 6 fiasco and the subsequent legal attacks on Trump are nothing but Trump-hating abuses of power by leftists running our government. Even if Trump was exactly how Dan wants people to believe he is, Trump is still the superior choice for president over any Dem the left could put against him. I would go so far as to say what this country desperately needs is for Trump to be president again for much the same reason I felt the best response to the islamists bringing down the World Trade Center was to rebuild it exactly as it was.

Marshal Art said...

By the way, I don't believe anyone was found guilty of "insurrection".