Saturday, December 23, 2023

Double Standard

 "Also, the reality that WK chooses to remain anonymous does not give any serious credence to his ultra-conservative human opinions"



 "A little education and well-informed information about context goes a long way towards improved understanding."

 Dan extolling some "human opinions" from an ultra-liberal anonymous commenter on his blog.  


I didn't want to break up the post of Christmas movies, but this was pretty good stuff.




Anonymous said...

As I've already noted, Feodor is not anonymous to me. I've confirmed he's a real person with a real name. Also, I'm not citing him as a source.

Sorry if you don't understand the distinctions.


Craig said...

"As I've already noted, Feodor is not anonymous to me. I've confirmed he's a real person with a real name. Also, I'm not citing him as a source."

1. The fact that you claim to know his real identity is irrelevant. The reality is that he, just like WK, posts under a pseudonym.
2. I have no reason to trust you an this, as on virtually any other claim you make.
3. I'll simply note that your "cite him as a source" is one more example of moving the goalposts. Re read your above quote.

"Sorry if you don't understand the distinctions."

It's a distinction without a difference. The reality is that your groupie hides his real identity due to his fear that people he knows will read what he says and that it'll cause him harm of some sort. Just like WK. But you continue to revel in your double standard.

Anonymous said...

How did he confirm feo's real name? Did he ask him, receive a response and assurances it's a real name and simply accept what feo told him? I use a nom de plume but my real name is easy to find. As such I'm not anonymous. feo totally hides behind his fake name and unChristian personality. There are no shortages of conservatives who've been persecuted by modern progressives who have no legit counter to positions and facts presented by conservatives, which is why modern progressives attack the person as they do and not the opinions and facts presented by the conservative. Conservatives have lost jobs and contracts for daring to have factually solid positions contrary to the fantasies of modern progressives. Frank Turek lost a consulting position because some "gay" dude looked him up and found his factual opinions on his personal blog. Those opinions had no relation to his consulting work or the industry for which he was consulting. The perversion and disorder of homosexuality had no relevance to the company's hiring of Turek. But because some flamer found that Turek speaks with expertise and truth about homosexuality, the twerp got him fired.

And Dan thinks WK using a pen name lessens the validity of his positions and opinions. This is just another lie Dan willfully and intentionally tells to avoid addressing the positions expressed. It further indicts Dan as the cowardly liar he's exposed himself as being long ago.

Craig said...


If this is Art, then that's cool. If not, can you provide some identification?