How is the practice of Bacha Bazi tolerated and engaged in by Muslims?
Anyone who has studied Islam knows all this because their words like these have been spoken by their leaders and followers since the 7th Century and was the reason for the Crusades. But stupid, ignorant people like Dan and LEFTIST politicians continue to invite them into the USA, Canada and European countries and sit out their behinds while Muslims take over their cities and reign terror everywhere they go.
There is really no reason to make stuff up in order to make Islam or Muslims look bad, when they do so much of it themselves. We constantly hear people while about a couple of thousand "christian nationalists" or whatever who mostly just want to be left alone on their compounds up in Idaho as this massive threat, while we ignore the reality that rapes by Muslims are sweeping northern Europe. What idiots like Dan don't realize that that to Muslims he's just one more unbeliever and therefore his life has no value to Muslims.
I think that part of the problem is that they listen to Muslims who have moved to the US and who have assimilated to some degree. Even if it's just a matter of them toning down the rhetoric because they don't want to piss off the neighbors. Yet we see what's happening in Europe and ignore the possibility that we won't see that here.
I realize that US culture is pretty seductive, and that Muslim children are likely to be drawn away from their faith (much like Christians and Jews in the US have), yet as long as we have unregulated immigration, it's just a matter of continuing to import more. Islam is a worldview that is based on conquest, not assimilation. I think that the biggest mistake that people make is to treat Islam as if it's only a religion, not a worldview.
Is Christianity a worldview or a religion?
Christianity is a personal relationship with the creator of the universe. There is a religious element to Christianity. There is also a Christian worldview.
The difference with Islam is that it encompasses both a religious and a civil element. As we are currently seeing across the globe, Muslims are quite upfront that their goals are to impose an Islamic government on European countries. If you look at the history of Islam, it's undeniable that the spread of Islam was through conquest.
I like your response, Craig. It is first a personal relationship with Christ, but is indeed a religion in the sense that it's a belief in and worship of a Deity. But that belief compels a worldview which is can be said to be another way of describing Christianity. I'd thus say the answer is it is both. But what's the point of the question? Is it a stepping stone toward encouraging an acceptance of a worldview which is anathema to both Christianity and American ideals...or "western" ideals?
As Americans, we who continue to embrace the vision of the founding fathers without the corruption of the modern progressive, are more than happy to allow for differing ideas of religion, so long as those ideas don't espouse clearly anti-Christian/anti-American ideals. Or at least so long as those who claim adherence to such a religion doesn't act on those anti-Christian/American ideals.
Unfortunately, islam compels suspicion given their tenets, and we can't rest assured that a given muslim who rejects the violent encouragements of their holy book is being totally honest, given the acceptance of deceit toward those who are not muslim.
And we shouldn't pretend that our country is devoid of the worst elements of islam. CAIR is one blatant example, and there have been honor killings and female genital mutilations as well.
Obviously Christianity has elements that are religious. I think the obvious difference between Christianity and Islam (all other religions) is that Christianity is not based on performance. It's not based on what you do, or how well you do it, it's based on the finished work of Jesus. As Christianity grew, elements of religion definitely grew up around it. I'm sure that the point of the question is to establish some sort of gotcha from Dan. The difference is that Islam is, at it's core, designed to embrace civil rule. It's based on a civil ruling system which comes directly from Allah. It is not compatible with any other ruling system other then theocracy. Given the fact that it is based on the 100% perfect revelation of the 100% perfect words of Allah, there seems to be no room for any change.
I think it will be interesting to see if Islam can stand firm against the corrosive effects of American society especially now. I suspect that the grandchildren of today's Muslim immigrants will increasingly be drawn towards what society tells them is important, not what Allah tells them. I suspect we'll see some sort of cultural Islam that strips away much of what makes Islam distinctive. Much like a significant number of US Jews.
I agree that there are some elements of Islam in the US that are following the worst elements of Allah's teaching, but they are a small group and are actually engaging in criminal activity when they practice things like you note.
I responded based on a dictionary definition of "religion". There should be no problem with acknowledging Christianity is a religion.
I don't have a problem identifying Christianity as a religion, certainly not post Constantine. I'm simply pointing out that the religious aspects of Christianity accumulated over time, and that the distinctive teaching of Christianity is that a personal God accomplished everything necessary for people to regain that relationship that was broken.
The issue isn't whether or not Christianity is exclusively a religion, as much as it is excluding the intrinsic theocratic aspects of Islam. Again, all we need to do is listen to Muslims and they'll tell us everything we need to know.
The worst thing is that even if they're wrong about this one aspect of Islam, they'll never accept that they're wrong and we'll likely see a few European countries turned into Muslim theocracies as a result.
"...the distinctive teaching of Christianity is that a personal God accomplished everything necessary for people to regain that relationship that was broken."
It's that belief in a personal God which makes it a religion. It's what a religion is...the belief in a deity. The word "religion" is often used metaphorically to describe where people put their focus, but the reality is that Christianity is literally a religion. Thus, perhaps "the religious aspects of Christianity accumulated over time" is a reference to rituals and ceremonies?
As to islam, it's certainly essential for everyone to take them at their word. Anytime muslims conquer, they regard the land, property, etc., as muslim forever. It's why they still eye Spain. Their whole point is to make everything and everyone muslim. Should they become a majority in any nation not already islamic, they will make it so. One can see that in cities where they have an enclave or ghetto of predominantly muslim residents. They seek to run the area as they would any muslim nation.
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