Thursday, January 25, 2024

"Trans" v. Abortion


" Boston Children’s Hospital posted a video on its YouTube channel in August where a psychologist explains that “a good portion” of children she sees at the hospital’s Gender MultiSpecialty Service (GeMS) clinic know their gender identity “from the womb,”

This seems like one more conflict between two constituencies of the DFL.   On the one hand you have the unlimited abortion at any time during pregnancy crowd, and on the other you have the "trans" crowd.    Well it seems like an expert saying that children know "from the womb" that they are transgender suggests a degree of sentience that most of the unlimited abortion folx would deny exists.  

Seriously, if a baby has that degree of self awareness from the womb, doesn't that pose problems for the unlimited abortion crowd?   Or is this one more manifestation of the Magical Birth Canal trope.    Where the baby magically knows the instant it clears the birth canal that it is "trans".   Because obviously babies fresh from the womb are completely aware of sex, gender, and the blending of the two.   The whole thing is absurd, but likely an attempt to make "transness" genetic.   Which again poses a conflict between these two groups.   If you truely support abortion for any reason with no restrictions, then you'd have to support parents aborting "trans" babies because they don't want the difficulties.  

This is one more example of the problem the DFL has.  They have too many constituencies that are critical to their electoral success, yet the goals of some of those constituencies are so diametrically opposed that they can't coexist.   


Marshal Art said...

Can't be the Magic Birth Canal, because when the child gets that far, it's no longer in the womb and by that time already knows it's the opposite sex its genitalia and chromosomes says it is. The question then is, at what stage of development do these developing people with no rights equal to its mother come to be so self-aware? Are they only aware of this specific question? These are questions only a modern progressive who claims to be a compassionate Christian can answer.

Craig said...

I think that it's more about trying to stay as far away from answering these questions as possible. Although at some point, I fully expect the pro-any time, anywhere, abortion folx to be confronted with the fact that they are ending the life of a human person and to still advocate abortion.

Craig said...

I'm confused though. If the unborn have no rights, and we have no idea when they do have rights, does this mean that they now have a right to "trans"?

Marshal Art said...

I guess it depends on which modern progressive is speaking and when. It's impossible to keep up.

Craig said...

It's all very. intentionally, obfuscatory.