Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Thoughts after a long day.

I’ve been thinking a lot as I’ve watched people react to things over the past few days.  From the liberals who feel the need to trash Bush 41, to the conservatives who’ve trashed Lauren Daigle , to the ongoing parade of people spewing vile threats at D Loesch, to so much of social media.    What I’ve noticed is how many of those spewing vitriol claim to be Christian.    Some probably even think that Jesus would act like they do and say the things that they say.   I ask, “Really?”

I saw someone  who identifies as a progressive christian refer to Donald Trump as a “damned piece of s###”, in the context of “loving our enemies”.   I believe that when this person sees Trump,they literally see a “piece of s###”.    But I think that when Jesus sees Trump (even with all of his many faults, failures, and sins), the Jesus sees someone made in the very image of God who has intrinsic worth and value.   I’m pretty sure Jesus wouldn’t lead with “piece of s###”.

I’ve heard people say things like Jesus said some harsh things to the Pharisees, but most of those were descriptive, not demeaning.  “Blind guides and whitewashed tombs” we’re describing their leadership failures and their hypocrisy.    Even Jesus rampage through the temple courts wasn’t an attack on the people as much as their actions.   It was also a clear claim of divine authority.   Ultimately the problem with the folx who say “Well, if Jesus did it, it must be okay for me.” miss a couple of important points.   One, they don’t have the authority or sinless life that Jesus had.  Two, they ignore how Jesus actually treated people who were “ enemies”.    Tax collectors, Roman military officers, Pharisees, prostitutes, even Pilate, were treated with love, gentleness and respect.   Sure, Jesus didypull any punches, certainly called sin for what it was, but did it with enough love that the centurion that killed Him came away changed.    Jesus left people changed, and he didn’t start with “you’re a piece of s###”.  

If I want an example of loving your enemies, “Father forgive them, they don’t k is what they’re doing.”  seems a lot more Christlike than you “piece of s###”.

I don’t think any one of the people I’ve seen take the “POS” approach to loving their enemies, has any standing at all to call someone created in the very image of God a piece of excrement.

I get that we disagree, I get that it gets heated, but if you’re going to claim the name of Christ, why not act more like him when confronting your enemies on social media.

In closing, I’m sure I’m not innocent of this sort of thing, I try, but sometimes I fail.   Am I as bad as some, probably not, but I don’t think being slightly less hateful than the other guy is a major accomplishment.   I also don’t think I get points for not writing down what my mind thinks I should.

Love God, love other people just seems so much more worth pursuing than “XYZ is a damned piece of s###”


Marshal Art said...

I recently heard someone say that a more accurate translation of the commandment is "thou shalt not CARRY the Lord's name in vain"...meaning not behaving badly in God's name or not while calling one's self, in this case, a Christian. Just as you said, I also fall short in this regard despite my best efforts.

Craig said...

I think a difference is that we do try, we realize that there is a standard and try to live up to it. Then when we fail we acknowledge our failure and keep trying. We don't justify our failures by saying “Jesus did it.”.

I truly believe that telling someone that they’ve lied (even in hash terms), isn’t devaluing them as image beaters of God. It’s pointing out truth and an attempt to get them to acknowledge the truth. It’s certainly not telling them that they have the same value as excrement.

I think it’s worth saying again, I can’t imagine Jesus ever referring to a person as “s###”. The devaluing of one’s enemies runs so counter to the examples of Jesus and His followers.

Marshal Art said...

Well, there's "speaking for God"...insinuating that we are on God's level, versus "Jesus did it", as if one is on Christ's level.

Craig said...

Good point.

Craig said...

I was having this conversation with someone older and wiser than I am, and they agreeed that the notion of Jesus (or anyone who claims to seriously follow Him) would never see, define, or describe a human created in God’s image as excrement.