Monday, December 3, 2018

My Team

I had to watch a situation unfold with the football team I’ve followed for years this past week and I’ve gone through a bunch of different phases as I’ve followed the news.

First,  surprise that someone who seemed like a pretty good guy, could have engaged in the behavior we saw on the video.

Two, wondering how Hunt could be that stupid.

Three, shock that the Chiefs moved quickly and decisively to do the right thing and release Hunt. Combined with the offer to work with Hunt to get the help he needs.

Four, hope that this wouldn’t ruin a great season for a bunch of other people, realization that the season should be secondary.

But, I saw a really interesting take today that really made me wonder.  

If feminism is really true, that there are no differences between men and women.  If gender is exclusively a “social construct”.   If men and women are to be treated equally in all things.   Why is this the exception?   Had a dude done what has been reported to Hunt, no one (except those who hold to a strict no excuses pacifism), no one would have batted an eye.

In a world where gender is a choice, where biological males physically dominate women’s sporting events and are celebrated for it, why is this the one exception?  

I was raised in a patriarchal society, and was told over and over again that it was completely beyond the pale to hit women.   That women and men were different.   But now I’m told that was all wrong, except in certain limited circumstances, which (coincidentally) happen to favor women.    Is it different if it’s a dude “transitioning” to a chick?

Personally I’ll stick to “you don’t hit girls”, and let the feminists, the trans’s, and the rest fight it out.

Oh, I’ll keep pulling for the Chiefs and contending that they handled this situation as well as they could have.


Marshal Art said...

As much contempt as I have for the abuse of women, I somehow am uneasy with the knee-jerk response of firing such people who knock around their wives or girlfriends. It seems there must be a better way of dealing with such in it's a feeling that nags me...but I can't think of what that might be. How could it have gotten to this point without someone close to the couple not seeing it coming? I guess there are cases where the abused says nothing to no one, but then I've heard so often that the abused had confided in someone before the worst had happened. And then of course there are those cases where the woman is the actual abuser, the man is quietly enduring until a point comes when he snaps...then it is HE who is the bad guy. This doesn't excuse his response, but explains it in a manner that puts the event in perspective.

I would say that most of these situations would not have occurred if sex was delayed until the two actually knew each other far better. Just my humble opinion.

Craig said...

In this case, I think he was released for lying to the team and for PR purposes. Whatever the reason, I think the team did the right thing.

I just think it’s strange that if a guy had provoked Hunt the way the woman did, he’d be applauded for his restraint.

Craig said...

I just saw a video of a larger woman beating the crap out of a smaller man. What does it say if we post that video for laughs on social media, but severely damage a guys life based on a video of him doing a lot less?