Monday, June 15, 2020

I saw a story on the local news over the weekend

The reporter interviewed multiple young women of African American descent who were protesting that the U should remove the campus police.

We've also seen a significant number of rapes around the Twin Cities campus of the U.  In 2017 there were 93 with another 45 at two other U of MN campuses.

One rapist in particular was arrested for multiple sexual assaults over a period of at least 4 years in the neighborhood surrounding the U.

We're told that sexual assault is very high in and around college campuses, so it seems strange and inconsistent for women to be advocating for removal of campus police after the U severed it's ties with the MPD.

On a slightly different note, the top two stories on one local news station were about the notion of "defund the police".  The third story was about an incident in North where 6 people were shot outside a bar late it night.   But, we don't need cops.

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