Tuesday, June 23, 2020

I'm not sure why this is surprising


Apparently, a bunch of PP staff have accused a former boss of racism, and all sorts of other stuff.   I'm shocked that anyone would complain that an organization like PP was engaging in "systemic racism", it just seems like some degree of that would be expected.


Marshal Art said...

Hmm. This confusing. An organization founded by a virulent racist with the expressed purpose to decrease the black population is dealing with internal charges of racism? How can that be?

If there is any true life example of "systemic" racism, it's Planned Parenthood...and Dan and his troll are staunch supporters. Oh, how Dan loves irony!

Craig said...

I know, isn't that shocking. It's almost like they had no idea of the founding ideology of the organization they worked for.

Of course Hillary is incredibly proud to be honored with an award named after this evil woman.