Friday, June 19, 2020

This for now.

People in San Francisco found some ropes hanging from trees in a park, and lost their damn minds.  Even after the black man who put them there explained why, the mayor demanded a "hate crimes" investigation.

Since a "hate crime" is literally based on the intention of the person engaging in an act that is already criminal, it seems strange and out of touch to announce that "intentions don't matter", and to be investigating something that isn't illegal.


Stan said...

I looked up a variety of sources. What an incredible story! "Intention doesn't matter." Hang on, mayor, doesn't "intention" define "hate crime"?? And in what possible sense can it be a "hate crime" if the perpetrator explains it is exercise equipment AND HE'S BLACK? This country is losing its mind.

Craig said...

This could be the most insane thing I’ve seen in a world where insanity is seemingly normal.

And the peanut gallery remains silent, because they don’t want to acknowledge how idiotic things their ideology is responsible for.

Craig said...

So, exercise ropes are racist, statues of those who stopped slavery are torn down, the Civil War tomb of the unknowns is vandalized, and it’s all good.

Under the new regime does this mean that every institution, business, or nonprofit that can be even remotely linked to racism or slave ownership be purged?

Hilarious Twitter thread where some lefty was trying to defend the Lenin statue being left alone because it’s on private property, and because he wasn’t a slave owner.

I’m guessing the millions of people in gulags might beg to differ.