Tuesday, June 16, 2020

New information

Earlier I posted a question based on the contamination of beverages served to LEO that made them sick.  At the time I wrote the post, I was responding to news reports from the mainstream media, and was influenced by the number of "F### the police" and "Kill the police" slogans I've seen spray painted on the OSB over windows here in the riot zone.

Stan, pointed out that there was new information, that demonstrated that the information I based my post on was incorrect.   Given that reality, I had no choice but to delete that post, and post this correction.

While I based my post on the best information available at the time, and posted in good faith that the information was correct,  I felt like the only appropriate course when I learned of the mistake, was to delete it, instead of correct it.

I'd like to hope that this is an example of valuing accurate, correct, and true information over inaccurate, incorrect, and false information.

Thanks to Stan for pointing out my mistake.  I suspect I would have gotten there on my own, but I'm glad he caught me before it stayed up any longer.


Dan Trabue said...


Craig said...

Yes, it's ironic that I posted based on the most current news reporting at the time and when I found out that the reporting and my post had been demonstrated to be mistaken I took the post down and posted a correction.

What a novel concept, admitting mistakes and correcting them.

It does, however, seem that the reports of National Guard soldiers being delivered a pizza with glass shards baked into it is likely to be true.