Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Additional reasons to vote for Joe

 I'll pick up on Dan's list before I get deleted over there.

11.  Because he's done an amazing job implementing solutions during his nearly half century as a politician.

12.  Because the Chinese wand Biden instead of Trump.

13.  Because prominent white supremacist Richard Spencer is backing Biden.

14.  Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle. Kenosha.

15.   Because Joe's big tent doesn't have room for 20 million pro-life democrats.  Unless they shut up, vote blue, and don't expect anything.

16.  Because there are still women left to sniff.

17.  Biden won't oppress protesters and rioters.  He'll do nothing, or as little as possible.

18.  Kamala Harris.  Who promised that the protests/riots will continue if Biden is elected.

19.  Biden will criticze POTUS for holding a "super spreader", while ignoring the multiple thousands who protested and who gathered the next day. 


Craig said...

Dan hasn’t deleted anything yet, but he’s allowing the lies and bullshit to accumulate, so if I think of any more reasons to vote for Joe, they’ll be here.

Craig said...

Dan wanted support, Dan got support.

See, it's not that hard to support your claims. You should try it more often.

Marshal Art said...

More than mere unpredictability, I've seen lengthy interviews with two separate people whose expertise is American/China relations point to China's incredulity regarding Trump's unflinching response to their antics. No previous American president has worked to impede their agenda as Trump has. Trump has been warning about China since before he decided to run for president. The value to American regarding this aspect of his presidency can't be trumpeted too loudly given its great importance. China is no friend to America. Trump's not been coy about that, despite his public "praise" for the Chinese leader or any other from the nations that are also our enemies. Public sweet-talking is diplomacy...not siding with our enemies.

Craig said...

"They may prefer to have an idiot to deal with that they can push around and get away with it."

I've never actually heard someone put forth the fact that their candidate is "an idiot" and that they can "push around" as positive reasons to support said candidate.

Craig said...


I agree that Biden is in bed with China much like it's claimed that Trump is in bed with Putin. The likelihood of Biden pushing China on it's continuing human rights abuses, slave labor, etc are virtually nil.