Tuesday, August 4, 2020


While I haven't watched the entirety of the body can footage recently released, I've seen enough descriptions of the footage to get a sense of what it contains.

So far the only conclusion I've reached (actually had reinforced) is that it's almost always wiser to wait until all the evidence has been released before your jump to a conclusion that you are going to act on as if it's the Truth.

I've always thought that the officers were going to be over charged due to outside pressure, not based on the evidence, and it seems (note the "seems") that this might be the case.  

While Chauvin is almost guaranteed to be convicted of something, it seems (again note the "seems") possible to likely that some or all of the other 3 will either be acquitted or found guilty of a lesser charge.

Regardless of my opinions or hunches on this, the trial is most likely going to be a circus, and the aftermath is likely to be ugly.  

It it possible to draw any conclusions from the fact that the mainstream media has been much quieter about this video than they were about the original video?  (Full disclosure, I haven't seen much news sine last night and it's possible that there has been an increase in coverage since I last checked)


Marshal Art said...

I've only heard audio of the body cam footage (as I understood it, it was that of the rookie cop) and it seems Floyd was a wackos from the beginning of the confrontation. He was even encouraged by someone with him "don't resist". Apparently, he also complained of breathing issues almost immediately as well and somehow is only claustrophobic in a squad car, but not his own car.

Again, I only heard audio, as well as the radio host's description of what can't be seen on radio, but based upon only that, it could lead a jury to rule against the common narrative. This and other footage, therefore, should be widely viewed any ruling takes place, and definitely before any ruling is made public. It likely won't matter to those already in the blocks ready to race to judgement and get more free stuff in the subsequent rioting, but it might.

Craig said...


I believe that his video calls into question virtually everything we've been told by those using his death for other purposes. I keep seeing more and more people who are realizing that it'll be very difficult to convict the three who watched and that it's unlikely that Chauvin can be convicted of murder.

What's most telling is the lack of play this video is getting in comparison to the original video, and the relative silence of those who were the loudest when this started.

Here's a piece by an African American sports writer that sums things up nicely. I'm sure Dan will ignore this as well.


Craig said...

From the article.

"Here are the takeaways from the footage:

Floyd’s behavior escalated a routine arrest into a possible abuse of force.
The George Floyd case is not a race crime. No rational person can watch that footage and conclude the police were motivated by Floyd’s black race.
It’s going to be virtually impossible to convict former officers Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao of any crime.
It will be equally difficult to convict Chauvin of murder."

"We don’t have a suitable replacement. Academia? Go look at the results produced by the white liberals in control of our academic institutions. You want to see white supremacy? Visit Yale, Harvard or any of their Ivy League brothers. Hollywood? Please. Every narrative arc for black characters is now fixated on police interaction and/or racism. The music industry? If you’re not covered in tattoos and willing to portray yourself as a ho, pimp, drug dealer and gangbanger, the music industry is highly reluctant to support you."

"The actions of the above groups, along with the mainstream media, guarantee that the second wave of George Floyd riots are going to be more deadly and destructive than the first wave.

The second wave will come when Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng, Tou Thao and Derek Chauvin are acquitted of all serious charges.

When those riots happen, the Three Stooges, LeBron James, Colin Kaepernick and all the other entitled millionaires will be locked in their gated bubbles watching poor people’s lives destroyed on CNN."

Marshal Art said...

That's why it's imperative for this footage to be seen by as many people as possible, especially those who believe the Floyd was a completely innocent man who did nothing to provoke harsh treatment by the cops. It won't be enough for too many, because even had this been shown already, some would use it as an excuse to riot, burn and loot...because that's their purpose anyway. If any of the other cops had their body cameras running, we'll hopefully see them as well.

I would suggest that anyone who can get their virtual hands on this footage should save it to their computers and post it on any and every social media site available to them, and then for others who see it, they should share it so it goes viral. It's really the only way those who are simply going with the flow will find justification for not joining in with the next fake protest.

Craig said...

I agree that it should be seen by as many as possible. Unfortunately, I'm already seeing people whose minds are made up and who are convinced that this footage supports the narrative being pushed by so many people.

I agree that we should ultimately see as much body cam footage as possible. I'm a little worried that it coming out as a leak will taint the jury, but there's already so much out there that'll potentially taint the jury that I don't see that this'll be any worse.

What's more important is that the likelihood of this stopping people from jumping to conclusions before they have enough evidence to reach a rational conclusion about events is probably pretty small. I still have concern about the reaction from the true believers who aren't going to let things like facts and law get in the way of their lust for revenge.

Craig said...

The problem with the next protest is that it most definitely will not be fake. It'll be incredibly real for those who's businesses or housing goes up in smoke.

Marshal Art said...

I can't see it tainting the jury, except toward giving a more informed ruling, whereas the only video we've seen beforehand would have given them less info to rule properly. Keep in mind the Rodney King situation. The public largely only saw footage of the cops beating his ass. The jury saw all that led up to it and because of that, they ruled the cops were justified. Because the public didn't see the entire footage, they rioted.

The same happened with Floyd. All they saw was the cop kneeling on a dude's neck and they CHOSE to believe what they wanted to believe, because they were allowed to due to the limited footage that only showed the end of the situation...just like Rodney King.

Keep in mind that these angry protests and riots are stoked by the very scumbags who wish to perpetuate the myth of white privilege and black victimhood...the race-hustlers. They cannot stir up the anger over a case, say, of a black dude shot after burning a bus filled with children if people are aware of the bus filled with children. If all they know is a black guy was shot, the hustlers can make hay. There will always be those ready to believe the myth, because there's a twisted comfort in being among the victimized and bathing in the pity. But there would be far fewer should a clear representation of events make that claim the lie it is.

The more blatant and unmistakable the truth is...and showing such footage works to that end...the far more difficult it is for anyone to think others will believe the lie. Businesses and houses will be saved.

Craig said...

My concern about tainting the jury is more that they are seeing this stuff out of the context of the trial and without the testimony of the participants. As with all of this, I could be wrong. My thinking is no doubt colored by my concern that the jury is going to have to deal with the weight of expectations and the potential for more destruction if they don't do the " right" thing.

Like so much of our society today, I don't think the riots are driven by a commitment to find the Truth, as much as by irrational emotion and manipulation.

Marshal Art said...

Indeed. Juries will be tainted far more by pressure from the race-hustlers who have been exploiting Floyd's death for their own nefarious ends. Hopefully, juries will be of the type that led to the proper ruling in the King case, and more hopefully, law enforcement will be better prepared to deal with the race-hustlers and those who will exploit the whatever unpopular ruling there is to steal, burn and assault. If only they truly cared about black lives.

Craig said...

Obviously the biggest concern regarding the jury, is the fear of "causing" more destruction by making the "wrong" decision.

Craig said...


As I watch the various media it's amazing to see the (comparative) silence of the mainstream media on the release of this new video, and the utter conviction to the narrative by the few on social media who aren't silent themselves.

This notion that it's possible and reasonable to convict someone of murder, without actually seeing all of the evidence and without allowing the accused any defense, is mind boggling to me.

It's clear that Chauvin (at a minimum) violated MPD protocol in his actions. It's clear that Chauvin was indifferent to Floyd's well being while restraining him. It's clear that Floyd could have been restrained in a way that was less dangerous and according to MPD protocol. It's clear that Chauvin should most likely be convicted of something in the death of Floyd.

But, I think that the trial and the evidence is going to frustrate the folks who think he should go straight to guilty of 1st degree murder, do not pass go, do not collect $200. I also think that we're going to see more riots after the verdict if he's convicted of anything other than 2nd degree murder. I think that the prosecutors and the juries will be targeted, to the extent that they can be identified. Finally, I think that the usual WL suspects will be encouraging, excusing, and supporting the rioters while ignoring the victims.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong. I hope that Chauvin can get a fair trial and be acquitted or convicted based on all of the evidence presented. If he "gets off", I hope that cooler heads will prevail and that there will be no rioting. Finally, I hope that those folx who have been so angry about this will remember under whose watch this occurred and take that knowledge into the voting booth and vote accordingly.