Wednesday, August 26, 2020


 “We're about to see an incredible example of spin. After 3 months of rioting that killed 30 people, wounded 900 cops, and caused $1-2B in damage, the shootings in WI last night will launch the narrative: "WHY do Trump supporters keep murdering peaceful protesters?" ”

Wilfred Reilly 


"In case you weren't sure, "this movement" has nothing to do with civil rights,  In fact, it is a bastardation of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's to compare what is happening today to them.  Instead of crossing the Edmund Pettus bridge, "this movement" would tear it down."

Darrell B. Harrison

1 comment:

Craig said...


I'm sure you just missed it where I posted Mr Harrison's social media links. If you can't find those, or simply can't manage a search of his name, let me know and I will post them again. I was eagerly looking forward to you engaging with him.