Wednesday, August 12, 2020



Dan Trabue said...

What is up with your cryptic little vague posts about who knows what with random names and links to broken websites? Are you having a stroke?

Craig said...

Nope. When I posted this it went straight to a Biden campaign/fundraising site.

You bitching about this after your recent string of unanswered questions, and abandoned comment threads is incredibly ironic.

I guess it’s easier to bitch, dodge questions, and disappear is just easier.

Marshal Art said...

I hadn't gotten around to trying to access that address until I got a Messenger post about it. The dudes on the video actually show them trying to access it and it always comes up Biden/Harris. They delete their history on their phones and do it again. Still comes up Biden/Harris. Another guy does it...each one showing their fingers as they type it out...same result. I tried it and get something like "site unavailable", so I guess the jig is up and they no longer run the ruse.

Craig said...

I did it a few times as well just to confirm that it did that. Of course, that's just me lying and slandering Biden/Harris or some such bullshit.

I can't believe that it's possible that ANTIFA or someone sympathetic to their mayhem doesn't own the address. If they don't, then they're stupid for not buying it to prevent the possibility of it being used. If they do, then I wonder why they'd link themselves to B/H.

Anyway, it was clearly something that was time limited, and as you can see expecting Dan to do his research on things he's ignorant about is pointless.

Craig said...

What's interesting is that the reason why I was purposely vague about this phenomenon was that, I'd seen it, tried it, but wasn't prepared to draw any conclusions from it. I posted it as something odd, that didn't seem quite logical.

Yet, somehow that bit of caution and my unwillingness to make claims or to draw conclusions seems to have pissed Dan off and twisted his little knickers. It's strange that Dan gets annoyed when I excercise caution.

Marshal Art said...

" If they do, then I wonder why they'd link themselves to B/H."

I'd say that, if they do, then it's because like BLM, they're financially supportive of the Dem party.