Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Greg Boyd

 Greg is an interesting guy.  He's a political and theological liberal, Anabaptist, Universalist, who has a much higher view of scripture than most on his "side" of things, yet can't be pinned down quite so easily.   

He's tweeted the following over that last couple of days, and the response from the tolerant left has been fascinating.

"I just listened to @RepVernonJones speech at the Republican National convention, a black Democrat from Georgia who has endorsed Trump.  Politics aside, I applaud that independent thinking and remarkable courage of this POLITICIAN!!  How common is THAT?"

The responses he got included...

"No one who endorses Trump is worth applauding."

"Unfortunately he was just spewing far right talking points. Nothing independent in his thinking"

"You're not serious right?"

"Is this sarcasm?  Would you applaud a republican in the north in 1862 for deciding to support Jefferson and the Confederacy for political courage?"

"He stood up for sin, and the destruction of the vulnerable.  So, I'd call it rebellious thinking."

"I'm very much on the verge of unfollowing you."

"I hope this is sarcastic"

"Greg...no. This ain't it chief"

"Delete your account."

And more along those lines.

Boyd's response...

"Apparently in the minds of some, I just committed the ultimate cancel-culture sin: I found something positive to say about their "enemy".  Guilty as charged! Going against your entire party, in this polarized environment reveals independent thinking and courage!  Come on!!"

I'll just post one response because this is getting too long.

"Geex, just imagining your profoundly askew worldview in the age of Stalinists & Nazis-Maoists too.  When is dictatorial&fascist murder enough for you Greg?  I've lost respect for you.  You had a good opportunity to own a mistake, but you're blowing it through a pachyderm snout."

I want to commend Greg for listening to black voices that he disagrees with and finding value in their words.  For standing up to the attacks of his "side" and to respond in a gracious, loving, and God honoring manner.  It's refreshing to see someone who can look past partisan politics and find something to admire.

I might add more of the comments and his response in the comments section here.


Marshal Art said...

Wow. "You must hate who we say must be hated or we'll hate you, too!" What a great way to bring people together. Such grace!

Craig said...

Pretty much the epitome of embracing grace and tolerance.

It’s not really that controversial of a take either.