Monday, August 31, 2020

I don't know

The headline to the NY Intelligencer says plenty.    "Will Today's Riots Spur Electoral Backlash like 1967"s"

It seems like common sense to suspect that the continued news showing Democrat run cities, in flames and the lack of a consistent message of condemnation of the violence from some/many on the left, that these riots would help Trump in November.

I've heard a couple of interesting (although contradictory) things from some on the left. Kamala Harris recently announced that the protests/riots will continue regardless of who wins the election.  While others seem to suggest that the riots will stop if Biden is elected.   I'd argue that the recent spate of "The riots are all Trump's fault" could be construed as the latter of those two.

I think it's clear from the looking at what's been happening that (at least some) on the DFL side really have little interest in actions that might minimize the rioters.  Especially if those actions might possibly reflect well on Trump.   In hindsight, the one exception might actually be the Walz/Frey combination.  Even though that fiddled (figuratively) while MSP burned (literally), their willingness to finally use the necessary force to stop the riots was relatively successful.   They even brought the guard in quickly after the idiocy around the murder suicide.

It's hard to say, at this point, how much this ongoing unrest will hurt Biden in November.  I think it's safe to say that it probably won't help him too much, but beyond that, who knows.   

Some would claim that the riots help Trump.  Although, I think many will criticize him no matter what.  If he sends in federal resources and stops everything, then he's a fascist dictator.  If he allows the states and cities to handle these problems (like our federalist system of government suggests is appropriate), then he'll be blamed for causing the riots.  Despite his numerous offers of help.

I think that my biggest question is, "If the riots will/could hurt Biden (or if they aren't going to help Biden),  and if one presumes that the rioters are more likely to be Biden voters, then why would they continue on a course that's likely to hurt their candidate?

Given that the genesis of this recent trend of protesting, rioting, and destruction to protest verdicts that folks don't agree with goes back to the P-BO administration, then is it rational to a) assign all the blame to Trump and B) assume that things will suddenly improve with a Biden win?

If Biden has the moral authority to persuade the rioters to stand down, why hasn't he used it yet?

If it's wrong for Trump to claim that the chaos in DFL controlled cities could/will be exacerbated by a Biden win, then isn't it wrong for DFL candidates to blame Trump for problems/failures at the city/county/state levels of government over which he has no control?

Finally, on a positive note.

Federal law enforcement agents (primarily the Marshall's service) freed many children over the last few days.  How about a shout out to LEO when they do something worthy of praise?


Marshal Art said...

One question is whether or not those who riots give a flying rat's backside who is in the White House or which of the two dominant parties are in charge. They may see Dem run cities as more likely to step aside while they loot and destroy...and they have good reason. But are they actually people who vote, or are they just opportunists? So of course what's left are actual voters, and will these scumbags' behavior impact those who voted for Democrat to vote Republican? I would suggest that Democrat voters will choose to view events in whatever light suits them, without regard for the facts on the ground. ..the main fact being the vast majority of sites of these outbursts are Dem controlled.

Craig said...

I suspect that the majority rioters/protesters who do vote will vote for Biden, or one of the fringe candidates. Possibly because the narrative of "orange man bad" is pretty simplistic and easy to latch on to. I agree that they probably look for cities where they believe that they ca get away with the most depredation to some degree. Which certainly means they are considering the likelihood that the city government will step in. This is where the narrative that the GOP is mean and racist probably helps GOP run cities. Obviously, when cities simply allow rioting with little or no attempt to stop it, or who catch and release the rioters, it's going to encourage the rioters. As will calls to de fund the police.

Politically, as long as the riots stay in DFL controlled cities and Trump keeps offering federal help, I think the riots probably hurt Biden or help Trump. Biden's long silence on the riots, and Harris' seeming encouragement of them, probably don't help them either.