Thursday, January 20, 2022

Foreign policy success

 "It's one thing if it's a minor incursion and we end up having to fight about what to do and not to do.  But if they actually do what they are capable of doing with the forces amassed on the border, it's going to be a disaster for Russia if they further invade Ukraine"

Sounds like an invitation for an incursion to me.


Much like Dean Acheson's speech in 1950, Biden's comments seem to open the door for the invasion of a sovereign nation.   

BTW, look how well things are going in Afghanistan since Biden abandoned them. 


Marshal Art said...

Weren't we warned that Joey Farts had been wrong on every foreign policy issue for the 47 years he was in the federal government before he was allegedly elected president?

Craig said...

I think there was something like that.

Craig said...

Well, Afganistan has descended even further into shitholery since Biden pulled out, leaving people and property behind, so I guess it's time to do the same in Ukraine. It's quite the act of cowardice to announce (before there is even any actual danger), that the US won't evacuate it's own citizens to protect them from what might happen.

Maybe if we hadn't left so many USAF transports for the Taliban, we'd be able to protect our own citizens.

I guess that whole "protect and defend" piece of the oath of office is negotiable now.

Craig said...

Strangely Dan hasn't graced this thread to tout the historic successes of Biden's foreign policy accomplishments.

I guess if you can't say anything nice, it's better to say nothing.