Friday, January 28, 2022

I wonder...

 if Biden's response to the situation in Ukraine is being influenced by the fact that Hunter has connections there.  It'd be too bad if the Ukrainians didn't get anything for all the money they paid Biden.


Dan Trabue said...

Yup. That's it. Also, the Democrats are having a hard time moving their sex slaves out of Hollywood, so they want to place them in Ukraine for safe keeping. From the martians and shit.

You remained practically quiet and rolled over like a whipped dog for four years while the most corrupt pervert in our lifetime spread lies and corruption, and you have a relatively decent regular Joe and you can't stop without chasing conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory.

You're a useful idiot for the deviants of the world. The KKK and Proud Boys appreciate your ally-ship.

Craig said...

AHHHHHHHHHH, the old Ad Homenim trope. This trope would be amusing had you not spent the last several years not just silent on the acts of those in power on the left, actually ignoring things while defending those accused.

You remained silent on the actions of the Clintons, and their foundation in Haiti, despite my posting multiple left wing sources documenting the corruption. Yet you actively championed Hillary for president. You bought into the "dossier" that purported to be the "smoking gun" against Trump, yet remained silent as the reality about it came out. You remained silent as evidence of Clinton, Weinstein, Epstein and other big Democrats and big Democrat donors are caught up in a sex ring that makes Trump look innocent. (Just a couple of examples)

The reality is there is ample evidence to conclude that Hunter Biden used his name and influence to make big money in Ukraine, and it's totally reasonable to wonder if that is enough to get Joe to commit the US to a war.

This constant attempt to slander me by saying that I'm an ally of the KKK, Proud Boys, etc would be much more effective if you could actually produce hard evidence of your claims. Unfortunately, like most of your claims, you can't actually do so.

Craig said...

I guess it'd be too much to hope for that you'd come out firmly and unequivocally against Biden committing the US to a war in Eastern Europe. You've been silent on the rest of Biden's failures, why not keep it up.

Marshal Art said...

Let Dan accuse. He has no class, he's of low character and hides behind a false claim of being Christian to rationalize his behavior. He's so wrapped up in his fantasy of Trump being "the most corrupt"...a lie he loves to tell...that he ignores the moral bankruptcy of the political party he supports and the many leftist organizations he praises like the brain-dead sheep he is. He can't support a damned thing he says, so an accusation from him is no different than if he farted.

Dan Trabue said...

I'm firmly opposed to Biden and Europe starting a war in Russia or Ukraine. I'm opposed to them doing the sort of drone bombing that has resulted in so many Civilian deaths as happened during the Obama and trump and Bush years.

I support Europe and Ukraine in the US using all kinds of diplomatic pressure against Russia. This is all to be expected because it's consistently always been my position position. But since you ask, I'll state the obvious.

Dan Trabue said...

And so, we can see that I'm consistently opposed to war as solution and supportive of nonviolent actions to prevent wars. And you're consistently consistently accepting of conspiracy theories and vague innuendo and slander and gossip. I'd say, " Gossip like a little girl," but little girls do so much better than modern white conservative men and I wouldn't want to slander little girls.

Dan Trabue said...

Craig... "You remained silent on the actions of the Clintons, and their foundation in Haiti"

Dang. You got me. I'm ALL the time detailing the problems of right wing people who are not in positions of power on my blog for doing... something poorly in Haiti. It's hypocritical of me not to talk about this former president when I regularly talk about all those other right wingers not in power about their not doing... something... well in Haiti.

1. I have no idea what you're talking about.

2. I did google and found that some people think the Clintons didn't do things well in Haiti. As in this BBC report... "The fact the Clintons kind of took over things after the earthquake and did a pretty poor job of it translates to why the Haitians have a pretty dim view of them..."

"A US Government Accountability Office report discovered no hint of wrongdoing, but concluded the IHRC's decisions were "not necessarily aligned with Haitian priorities"."

3. The reality is that groups and people often do less than stellar work in trying to help others. I have not criticized any of them, nor have I criticized the Clintons.

4. Are you really trying to compare the Clintons' being "dimly viewed" by some Haitians and not doing enough well enough in Haiti to the overt corruption of the single most dishonest and openly perverted and corrupt President in our lifetimes?

5. From that BBC article: ""They relied too much on outside actors," Mr Johnston says, "and supplanted the role of the Haitian government and domestic producers."

For what it's worth, this is a common problem with too many groups - left and right - that try to help: They do so in a bad way that doesn't listen well enough to the locals. Shame on them all. Do better.

But really? I "remained silent" about people not in power not doing a good enough job in helping others?

6. And YES, there IS evidence that people like Hunter Biden and Donald Trump and his whole sick family and way too many other politicians are able to legally use their name and connections to enrich themselves. The rules SHOULD be changed to stop the overt profiteering of people like Trump and Hunter Biden. But Biden did nothing illegal (as contrasted with the deviant, Trump).

We see your partisan blindness, your refusal to remove the plank in your eye so that you can see the speck in H Biden's eye.

Repent. Or at least, get serious.

Dan Trabue said...

Craig... "This constant attempt to slander me by saying that I'm an ally of the KKK, Proud Boys, etc would be much more effective if you could actually produce hard evidence of your claims."

No slander. You regularly take positions and attack liberal and black folk in such a manner that would make the KKK proud.

You don't want to be an ally of the KKK? Stop taking a stand for their issues. Stop joining them in attacking BLM and the majority of black people.

Craig said...

I'll note that you've been silent on the Biden ordered drone strike which killed innocent people in Afganistan.

Strangely enough, you've managed to oppose these things with selective silence depending on the administration. Even after Biden left Afghanistan much worse off than it was, ordered drone strikes on innocent people, and is threatening war in Ukraine, you somehow manage to convince yourself that silence is opposition.

No, it's hypocritical to hold yourself or those on your political side to a different standard. It's hypocritical to bitch when those on the right don't go off like rabid, vitriol spewing dogs every time someone (no matter how loosely) connected with the right does anything that you find problematic. It's hypocritical for you to continue to pretend like many of the things you've gotten worked up about have turned out to be debunked or found to be much less than your narrative.

Back when I posted about the Clinton's corruption in Haiti (When Hillary was running for POTUS), you chose to ignore the significant amount of documentation that was provided then, and continue to shill for Hill.

The problem is that you choose to attack Trump with great vigor and vitriol, while remaining silent on the Biden family for doing the same things. Especially now that the Biden connections raise questions about Biden's motivations for potentially getting involved in a war.

Craig said...

At yet you can't actually provide any examples of these alleged attacks.

For years you bitched about people slandering you, yet you trade in slander frequently.

Craig said...

Should be "And yet". A minor typo.

Marshal Art said...

Dan continues to slander Trump, accusing him of being far worse that the Clintons, Bidens or Obamas...and really, the Dem party in general, while never once regaling us with the details of his corruption. It's clear enough Dan wants and needs and wishes Trump is the most corrupt president ever, but that doesn't cut it. Evidence does and Dan is famously ineptly incapable of providing any. What a clown. What a fraud. What a fake.

Dan Trabue said...

Craig... "At yet you can't actually provide any examples of these alleged attacks. "

ALSO Craig... "BLM raked in 90 million dollars in 2020, "distributed" 30 million and is sitting on 60 million currently."

Using scare quotes for "distributed" as if there was some question about whether or not they distributed it.

ALSO Craig... "But, we're talking abut a 100% reputable, above board, and ethical organization, aren't we?"

Implying with your vaguely gossipy innuendo that they AREN'T a reputable and ethical organization.

ALSO Craig... "IMO, these folk just grifted millions from a bunch of while [sic]liberals..."

You JUST called BLM grifters. In spite of having zero evidence for that claim. That IS an attack. All of these vague accusations ARE attacks and the KKK loves it when other white people join with them in seeing BLM as the enemy, vile and untrustworthy.

Also, you are presumably saying that BLM is "grifting" this money from "a bunch of white liberals..." when the money is coming from people and businesses across the nation, black and white, although you're probably right in thinking that not too many white conservatives are.

Anyway, there are some recent examples of your attacks and slander and innuendo gossip against BLM who are, after all, black people, supported by black people at ~70+%. I would have thought you'd remember these attacks since you just wrote these attacks.

Dan Trabue said...

Craig... "I'll note that you've been silent on the Biden ordered drone strike which killed innocent people in Afganistan."

You caught me. I have been silent on Biden and drone strikes. And worse, I was silent on Trump, Obama and Bush's drone strikes. I must secretly support drone strikes, I guess.

Or - and follow me here - perhaps it's the case that I'm a finite man with a finite number of words in my typing fingers and I just don't comment on every wrong done.

And of course, that's the reality.

You see, it's easier to just be consistent in my positions, as much as possible. And thus, stating I'm generally opposed to violence and war as a solution, and particularly/especially, deadly violence that kills innocent people... making my position on that clear IS going to then be clear that I'm also opposed to drone strikes, especially when they hit innocent civilians. Because, of course, I'm fairly consistent to any actions that kill innocent civilians.

You see, it's my consistency on this position that makes it easy to know where I stand. Whereas with you and modern (and not so modern) conservatism, you all think SOMETIMES it's okay - even moral! - to deliberately kill civilians, so it's reasonable to ask you all where you stand, because you have more exceptions to when it's acceptable for you than I do.

It's the advantage of trying to maintain some consistent moral compass.

Dan Trabue said...

Craig... "Back when I posted about the Clinton's corruption in Haiti (When Hillary was running for POTUS), you chose to ignore the significant amount of documentation that was provided then, and continue to shill for Hill."

Again, I have no idea what you're speaking about. Did you post some far right conspiracy theories about the Clintons in Haiti? It's possible, I don't recall. What I'm telling you is that I did a little bit of looking and could find no links to "Clinton Haiti corruption" from anything like a reputable source. SO, if you're going to make vague unknown allegations and not provide anything like support (the staple for modern conservatism), you have to recognize that people just aren't going to know what in the hell you're talking about or be able to take you seriously.

Just fyi.

Dan Trabue said...

Hell, I just did a search on YOUR blog and can't find any serious links about any corruption by the Clintons in Haiti. Maybe two vague references.

Craig... "Back when I posted about the Clinton's corruption in Haiti (When Hillary was running for POTUS), you chose to ignore the significant amount of documentation that was provided then..."

? Again, I JUST searched your website and found no documentation on corruption by the Clintons in Haiti. I used Clinton, Hilary and Haiti and got nothing.

What ARE you talking about?

Craig said...

"Or - and follow me here - perhaps it's the case that I'm a finite man with a finite number of words in my typing fingers and I just don't comment on every wrong done."

Yet, you constantly bitch at me for being "silent" on all sorts of topics. As if my silence on one topic diminishes my comments on another topic. The double standard is strong with this one.

Nope, every source I cited was chosen for their left leaning tendencies so that you would not be able to make this very argument. "

SO, if you're going to make vague unknown allegations and not provide anything like support (the staple for modern conservatism), you have to recognize that people just aren't going to know what in the hell you're talking about or be able to take you seriously."

Since making unsupported, bullshit, claims and allegations is par for the course for you, I'm not surprised at your attacks on others.

I'm sorry that you couldn't find it, it's not my job to do your research for you.

Craig said...

The problem with your "finite" excuse, is that you choose your "finite" not to spend any of your "finite" time and words addressing anything done wrong by those you support. Further, even when things are brought up, you still won't specifically condemn those you support. Even when you do throw out some bland, broad, generalized, admonition, you manage to specifically mention those you don't agree with, while remaining silent on those your do agree with. It's usually something like, "Well it's obviously bad for everyone, but especially bad when the GOP (or Trump) does it."

Your silence on the absolute disaster of the Biden administration foreign policy says volumes about your willingness to address the faults of those you support.

I've written plenty criticizing the actions of GOP politicians, hell Art and I are still going back and forth on how successful Trump was. The difference is that you just stand silently by when Biden kills innocent people with drones, and P-BO kept kids in cages, etc.

Marshal Art said...

Indeed, even I've mentioned more accurate flaws of Trump's work as president while still waiting for Dan to provide evidence for his condemnation of anyone not left-leaning.

And he again implies that the mere claim to be an organization working toward "justice" (even by the left's twisted definition) doesn't equate to actually exerting any say nothing of having successfully achieved some goal in a tangible way any honest person can confirm.

So from here on, he should just know that every politician, party or organization on the political right are doing God's work and to criticize them is rank bigotry. There. Had I known it was that easy, I would have done it years ago.

Marshal Art said...

Just seeing if any other responses came up, I noticed I worded part of the above poorly. Let me re-do it:

And he again implies that the mere claim to be an organization working toward "justice" (even by the left's twisted definition) means they're actually exerting effort to do say nothing of having successfully achieved some goal in a tangible way any honest person can confirm.

Craig said...


It's almost like saying "As long as they say they're working for justice (without defining justice), then there is no need to actually see results. I'll simply give them the benefit of the doubt, without actually evaluating their success.".

That notion seems naive to say the least. If they've spent 30 million and can't point to anything concrete, that raises questions. Hell, you'd think that they'd be all excited to show people what they were doing. Given their connection with the riots, maybe the should have spent some of that 90 million on helping to rebuild and drawing people's attention to their efforts.

Marshal Art said...


I get the same crap from Dan when questioning groups like Amnesty Int'l about their attacks on Israel and their defense of the so-called palestinians. "They're a human rights organization!! How dare you question them!!" If such groups call Israel an apartheid state, then Israel is an apartheid state. Doesn't that sound like the response of a mindless sheep? It certainly does with regard to BLM.