Monday, January 10, 2022


It's strange that the CDC is finally acknowledging what some folks have been saying for months.  Suff like dying with COVID should be counted differently than dying FROM COVID.   Like the fact that 75% of those who died with COVID had at least 4 co morbidities.  Clearly the 800,000+ claims about deaths from COVID were and are bullshit that have been hidden from us since Biden took office, or they expect us to believe that the CDC is just reallllllllly slow.


Strangely enough, with all the talk of a COVID surge, we still are firing thousands of health care workers,  if hospitals are really that swamped doesn't firing people by the thousands make things worse?

It's amusing to see those on the left applaud AUS for barring one professional tennis player from their country, while simultaneously praising the US for allowing the unmonitored entry of record numbers of immigrants along our southern border with virtually zero attempt to screen/test/quarantine the flood.  

How strange that SCOTUS justices seem determined to adjudicate a case before them on the basis of false information, and that they have no problem spreading those falsehoods far and wide.    

1.  The jab prevents transmission.

2.  Omicron is as deadly as Delta.

3.  100K children are hospitalized with COVID, many on ventilators.

4.  Vax mandate would prevent 100% of cases.

5.  Hospitals are overrun (specifically with COVID cases)


 I give you your political/media left.


It's hilarious to watch even more DFL elected officials playing the "Do as I say, not as I do." game.   It's especially hilarious to watch 3 jab Cortez get the Rona.  

1 comment:

Marshal Art said...

This is leftism writ large. It's getting to the point that Dem voters have to be consciously and intentionally ignoring what is so blatantly plain to see with regard to leftist "leaders". The question is, why? Why pretend that the left is where the solutions are, where the future should be, that they care? We know some don't actually pay attention to anything and have pat answers for why things suck for them (racism, the GOP, Christians) without really knowing anything substantial from which they could draw out an explanation. These people are among those who simply vote based on which letter follows a candidate's name without knowing jack about the person.

But what of those who like to regard themselves as politically astute but still vote Democrat? How do they justify the behaviors of their leaders and how do they rationalize their support for them? How can they truly describe why the lefty leaders are more beneficial than any of those from the right, including and maybe especially someone like Trump?

The fact is they can't, which is why they prefer labeling opponents as "racist" or "this-or-that-phobe".