Monday, October 30, 2023


No, it's not antisemitism at all.    

"From the river to the sea.", doesn't really mean eradicate all the Jews between the Jordan and the Med.

No, there's no reason to be concerned about pogroms.

Hep! Hep! Hep! Hep!

No, don't worry, it's all fine. 


Marshal Art said...

While one might be gracious to take the word of the pro-pallie protesters who said they're not down with anti-semitism, to take the position that there's such a thing as a "palestinian" and that the land in which said "palestinians" live are somehow "occupied" by Israel is a rather anti-semitic thing to say, given the fact it's a lie.

Craig said...

You raise a couple of issues here, I believe.

1. I think that the actions of these people speak louder than their words. It's clear that this anger/hatred is primarily aimed at Jews and that there is plenty of support for eradicating Israel from existence.

2. The historical record speaks for itself. Anyone who believes the fiction that there was ever an independent nation of Palestine is simply choosing to blind themselves to the facts.

If these idiots labeled themselves Canaanites, they'd actually have a better claim.

The whole notion of the "occupied" territories is absurd. The Arabs, specifically Syria, lost the Golan during the 1967 war. Syria was part of a massive Arab armed force that was bent on destroying Israel. They were defeated in a fair battle, and as a result lost a relatively small amount of formerly Syrian territory.

Gaza, on the other hand was Egyptian territory, until 1967. It also was part of the Arab attempt to destroy Israel, and they also lost. As a result of this loss, Israel ended up with the small part of Egypt known as Gaza.

These facts are indisputable, both of these areas were lost from two actual nations after defeat in battle. Unfortunately, that's kind of how the world works. In any case, those were never "palestine".

Idiots and antisemites abound.