Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Questions About Winning

 As we've seen over the last Week, Hamas has engaged in a brutal attack against Israel.  Killing, maiming, kidnapping, and desecrating innocent civilians.   As we watch the coverage, we have to wonder why.  What is the goal?  What constitutes a win for Hamas and Iran?

To that and, some questions.

What does Iran gain by maintaining a terrorist army in Gaza?

Why does Iran not improve the infrastructure, and provide necessities for those in Gaza, rather than weapons and military training?

How many military aged, Hamas trained fighters have migrated across the globe?   How many to the US?  Why?

What does Hamas hope to win by publicly engaging in acts of barbarism? 

How do such acts help them achieve their larger goal?   

Does engaging in these acts engender sympathy for their situation?  

Is the complete and total destruction of Israel, a legitimate policy goal in 2023?

What does Iran gain by providing weapons, money, and training for the people who engage in these barbaric acts?

I've heard it suggested that the Goal of Hamas is to provoke Israel into a reaction that results in massive destruction and death in Gaza and other territories they control.   If this is their strategy, then how can anyone support a strategy that relies on barbaric acts committed against innocent people in order to provoke a response that kills or harm the innocent people Hamas claims to represent?  

Given the insistence that all people have a basic human right of "self determination", which includes the absolute right to live anywhere they choose and the responsibility that they be welcomed into those chosen destination countries without question, why are the surrounding Islamic nations not accepting and helping these refugees?

Given that one of the 5 pillars of Islam is charity for fellow Muslims in need, isn't this refusal of the surrounding Islamic nations to offer refuge and succor to those affected by Hamas' depredations a religious failure as well as a human rights failure?

That's plenty for now. 


Marshal Art said...

Plenty, but indeed far from comprehensive. The motivations are what some would insist is a perversion of their false religion, but is actually drawn directly from it and its teachings. The hereafter for them is all important in a way that is disturbingly unique to them. Any of their own who die or suffer in the cause of the elimination of all Jews are considered blessed, martyrs and worth it. The world knows...including these animals...that there is no such thing as a palestinian people or nation, that it was invented and exists for the sole purpose of genocidal action toward Israel...a far better people than they could ever be.

These vermin need to be driven off. Gaza should return to Israeli control and any geographical area beyond which would provide for Israel a strategic defensive advantage.

Israel and Saudi Arabia is really close to an arrangement similar to that between Israel and Arab allies of the Abraham Accord. Some suggest this added to whatever crappy excuse Hamas had for this barbaric attack. It concerns me and I wonder how Israel's response would impact the alliance Trump helped to bring about. Will these Arab countries oppose Israel in its right to exist unmolested? Will they dare insist Israel not seek and destroy all connected to Hamas to neuter them forever? I've seen support for the pallies and Hamas from countries like Iraq and Kuwait...two countries who owe much to the US for halting aggression by Iraq's dictator.

I have absolutely no concern for the pallies, as they voted to have Hamas rule over them. Those in Gaza are useless to the world, and were left with a situation in which they were set up to thrive, but instead destroyed all Israel left behind. Now, they murder and celebrate it. They suffer by their own hand. If any people are deserving of total annihilation, it's them and those who support and defend their barbarity.

Craig said...

The thing most liberals don't seem to comprehend about Gaza is that it borders a Muslim country. Yet they depend on Israel for all sorts of needs. Why isn't Egypt stepping up to the place and helping their fellow Muslims? Why is Israel responsible to care for people who are determined to exterminate them?

It seems obvious that the rest of the Arab world feels that Gaza, Lebanon, and the rest of these countries serve a purpose kept in a state of destruction. There must be a reason why the Saudis and the rest of the Gulf States don't share some of their oil largess with their co coreligionists. They must see some benefit in having groups like Hamas and Hezbollah having the power they do, and not eradicating them themselves.

Marshal Art said...

It is said that some arab countries oppose all the Jew hatred but keep it to themselves to avoid the radical murderers among them. Given how no one is safe from a beheading, it's hard not to give them some slack. But the fact is that because they exist within their midst, it is incumbent upon them to do something about it so as not to be confused with the worst of their kind. This is especially true when considering the fact that the victimizing, true oppressors claim victim status whenever anyone not supportive takes issue with their behavior. We see it here in our country everyday, as those car jacking, mob looting and other crimes are to be spared our righteous anger and response. Greg Gutfeld called it a free punch. The bastards lash out and then whine about the response. They can hit, but we can't hit back. Screw that.

Craig said...


The reality is that some degree of hatred for Jews is baked in to Islamic countries. The reality is that failing to control that sort of belief system/behavior simply brands a country as one outside the bounds of a decent society.

Having said that, you are correct that Hamas is trying to peddle the notion that they have noting to do with the IDF responding to the attack on Israel that Hamas engaged in.

I think that the IDF is handling this relatively well. They are providing non combatants with information so that they can be safe, while systematically destroying the ability of Hamas to wage war and engage in terrorist attacks. Strangely enough, Dan wholeheartedly supports Ukraine for defending themselves, while trying to set up some sort of false equivalence when Israel does the exact same thing. It doesn't help that the IDF has the capability to win virtually any conflict, while Ukraine doesn't.

Marshal Art said...

Oh no, Craig...Dan's like the Squad, pretending Israel is an apartheid state "oppressing" people for daring to wipe them off the face of the earth.