Friday, October 13, 2023

Interesting Take

"I have no idea and never said that Hamas are nice guys. I know it's been going on for many decades and it never seem to end. That's the tragedy... and to me, both sides to blame. Not important to me if it's a 30/70, 40/60, 50/50 blame. Too many kids and innocent people killed."


I was having a conversation about the current situation in Israel and this comment came up after I suggested that perhaps knowing the history that led us to this point might be valuable.    But what struck me about this is the notion that even if one side is 70% responsible for the situation, that both sides should be held equally to blame.    If Hamas is 70% responsible for the current situation, then shouldn't at least some of that responsibility be publicly placed on them?   Shouldn't acknowledging their responsibility be more than a CYA aside,  "Well, Hamas isn't a bunch of saints, but...".   

 The problem is that the rich, white, western, liberals don't like Israel and never really have.  I'm not sure exactly why.  Maybe it's the whole underdog thing.  They took a crappy piece of land, fought off multiple invasions and genocide, and managed to build a modern democratic, prosperous society without one drop of oil.   It seems strange that anyone would cheer against the underdog who prevails over prohibitive odds. 


I have to note that I had this conversation on FB, which is something I never do, and it was notable for being respectful, civil, and even friendly.  Something that can be rare here.  


Marshal Art said...

It's the same old story. Why anyone has a problem with the reality of the situation is beyond me.

When I was young and becoming aware of this ongoing strife, and actress Vanessa Redgrave was lambasting "Zionist hoodlums" in defense of the pallies, I couldn't understand why a people historically oppressed like no other...the Jews...would be so unwelcoming of anyone. But again, I was young and ignorant but am no longer. So many seem no more informed than I was when I first learned of the conflict and there's no excuse for it. "The truth is out there" and always has been for any with eyes to see and ears to hear.

There's no moral equivalency here. The Jews are victimized just as they've always been and by those who are worse than nazis in their level of hatred. Who rejoices after murdering...not merely "killing", but MURDERING...innocent civilians, including infants? All "suffering" by the pallies is self-inflicted and it can end almost immediately by a willful choice to end all attack on Israel.

Craig said...

I'd argue that, while The Jews are targeted for victimization that they've given as good as they've gotten since'48. For the first time in hundreds of years there is a nation that highly values Jewishness and is in a position to fight for and protect Jews. Yet anti Semitism still exists, and so many (especially on the left) criticize Israel for being exactly what it was intended to be. But that's not surprising, the left has a history of working to undermine any institution that doesn't conform to their values and worldview. The left has done a great job of infiltrating all sorts of movements, and gradually moving those movements away from their original purpose and toward a leftist worldview that is often antithetical to the original purpose. Hell, we've seen this in US Jews for years, and we're seeing it slowly take root in Israel as well.