Monday, November 27, 2023

Cruel and Unusual?

 As we all know Derek Chauvin was stabbed last week in prison.  Reports to the contrary, it seems as though he will survive.    Given the refusal of the Dept of Corrections (apparently) to segregate him from the general population, doesn't it logically follow that his attack is a result of the Dept of Correction?   Obviously, it could be argued that his own actions are what is ultimately responsible which isn't incorrect.  But the reality is that the Dept of Corrections should have a responsibility to keep prisoners safe in prison. shouldn't they?   Especially when there is one like Chauvin who would logically be a target for retaliation in prison.  


Stan said...

After The Fall of Minneapolis I start to wonder ...

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

The man did nothing wrong in his actions. He did a standard police hold. Floyd died from drugs, period. Chauvin was railroaded and the evidence is available to all. He was given an anti-white, anti-cop biase trial which ignored evidence.

Craig said...


While I suspect that saying that he did "nothing" wrong might be an exaggeration, I agree with your general point. It seems more and more clear that the autopsy was misrepresented or changed, and that the mob violence and threats of more mob violence must have affected the jury. The reality is that Chauvin being stabbed, when it was preventable, is definitely the responsibility of the BOP. The problem is that the mob will cheer for this attack, and the sheep will remain silent.

Craig said...

Unfortunately, the areas that were affected by the fall, still haven't risen from the ashes entirely. But at least they voted for the exact same government that has failed them in the last election.