Friday, November 3, 2023


" The current study sought to describe the demographic characteristics of individuals who are willing to consider a transgender individual as a potential dating partner. Participants (N = 958) from a larger study on relationship decision-making processes were asked to select all potential genders that they would consider dating if ever seeking a future romantic partner. The options provided included cisgender men, cisgender women, trans men, trans women, and genderqueer individuals. Across a sample of heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and trans individuals, 87.5% indicated that they would not consider dating a trans person, with cisgender heterosexual men and women being most likely to exclude trans persons from their potential dating pool."



How can this possibly be????????????????

Heterosexual men and women don't want to date "trans" people, the very notion that a heterosexual man would want to date another man (with male body parts), who identifies as a woman is insane.   

What ever happened to people being able to date other people who they find attractive without being shamed and ridiculed to the "trans" lobby?


Marshal Art said...

The entire "trans" thing is conceptual or theoretical, but it isn't reality. There are none who truly believe one can, for example, be a biological male who is really a female and not be a loon. When the rubber meets the road, only a freak could abide another freak and not always. I think it is not to much a stretch to understand the "trans" person would seek out a normal person of the same biological sex to complete the fraud, or would be a total heterosexual who wants to live as a woman and then would posture as a lesbian. Normal people never buy in regardless.

Craig said...

I get all of that. But the notion that it's somehow wrong for a heterosexual male to not be attracted to another male (regardless of how that other male feels about his gender) is beyond absurd. What do they plan to do about this injustice? Force heterosexual males to date X number of "trans" dudes? Force people to go against their nature?

The bottom line is that trans folx aren't particularly appealing to anyone who's not "trans" and they want someone to fix this for them.

Marshal Art said...

If a normal guy isn't hot for a disordered guy, this is an exposure of the disorder and that can't happen. The disorder MUST be regarded as normal, and normal guys hot for disordered guys would be an affirmation of that absurdity. Thus, it's wrong if a normal guy isn't hot for a disordered guy.

Craig said...

Obviously there are some guys who will find the idea of sex with a "trans" person appealing. Even a "trans" person who has not completed their "transition". From a secular viewpoint, that's just one more kink to be accepted.

I think the problems are twofold.

1. What I like to call the Lola Syndrome. Hot "trans" guy picks up drunk straight guy in a bar. They get home and all of a sudden that straight guy is confronted with something other than what he thought. Ultimately this is simply false advertising, bait and switch, or simply lying. The thought that anyone would be interested in any sort of relationship that started out with one party lying is ridiculous.

2. The "trans" guy advertises as a "tarns" guy and straight guys aren't interested. They don't swipe right because they are straight and are not attracted to a guy who's "transed" into a faux woman. (Obviously this applies to girls too)

The problem is that the "trans" community has been convinced that they have a right to expect everyone to treat them as they see themselves and that anyone who doesn't is discriminating against them. But isn't that what dating is? A series of choices to discriminate against one group of people (who aren't attractive for whatever reason), and to discriminate in favor of another group of people (ones who are attractive).

This notion that the "trans" community can use the power of the state to mandate that straight people become attracted to them seems a bit excessive.

Marshal Art said...

RE: point 2.

Do trans liars actually market themselves as "trans" in order to attract normal people who are of the same sex the "trans" liar factually is? It must be to avoid a beating.

RE: what came after point 2:

This determination to force compliance and acceptance tells me they haven't bought into their own lie. THEY don't accept the truly are the opposite sex they otherwise insist they are. Normal people don't general have expectations like that of others. Especially at my stage of life, I don't give a flying rat's backside how anyone sees me.

Craig said...


I know very little of how the world of dating apps and personal ads actually work. I'm not in that world at all. I suspect that since most "trans" folks really believe that they've been magically transformed into the other sex, that they would identify the sex they believe themselves to be and not mention their "trans" status. The hope would seem to be that they would be able to attract people of the "opposite" sex.

I suspect that there is a subculture of people who would be attracted to a "trans" woman (biological male, with male parts) as a way to explore their homosexual interests without actually hooking up with a gay person. Again, it's a foreign world to me. I'm guessing that there are all sorts of people who do strange things sexually.

I think the problem lies in the fact that the "trans" folks are pissed that the gay and straight folks won't accept them as their magical sex, and see them according to their biological sax.

You could be right in thinking that their desire to force compliance is an admission that they don't believe their own bullshit. For the purposes of this conversation, I'm taking them at their word and believing that they do believe in magic.