Historically in the US the labor and public employee unions have supported and been supported by the DFL. The DFL is the party of the American political left. Also on the far left of the American political spectrum is Starbucks, the Seattle based coffee chain. Today the employees of Starbucks are planning to stage a one day walkout because Starbucks corporate has refused to allow them to vote to unionize. Also historically, the APL/DFL has claimed to be the party that represented the "working" people of the US. They have championed things like minimum wage increases, and membership in unions for decades. Yet, somehow, Starbucks which (as a company) leans to the left and supports many leftist and woke positions has come to the conclusion that allowing it's employees to unionize would be bad for the corporation. It sure seems hypocritical that a left leaning corporation has chosen not to provide their employees with a pay/benefits package that would prevent them from wanting to unionize, while also preventing them from even voting to unionize. It seems like a betrayal of some cherished dogma of the APL, as well as being hypocritical. I seriously doubt that the rest of the APL will go after Starbucks for their position, ignoring the hypocrisy. I also seriously doubt if Starbucks will cave to their employees without being forced to. What I take from this is that all to many folx on the left will support all sorts of things, up until the point when they have to put their money where their moths are. At that point, they'll opt for what's better for themselves (the rich, white, old, white, corporate leaders) and tell their employees to screw off.
"At that point, they'll opt for what's better for themselves (the rich, white, old, white, corporate leaders) and tell their employees to screw off. "
While I'm not aware of the specifics of Starbucks, I will agree with your conclusion that wealth and power tend to corrupt. Listen to Mary, Jesus and St James.
"While I'm not aware of the specifics of Starbucks, I will agree with your conclusion that wealth and power tend to corrupt. Listen to Mary, Jesus and St James."
It's always helpful when you start with announcing your ignorance on a given topic, then proceed to make irrelevant and off topic comments. Which allows to to ignore the hypocrisy of the left wing in the US.
Do you have some evidence that hypocrisy is exclusive and/or to the "left wing," or is this just a sweeping and unsupported Accusation?
I was merely agreeing with your premise that with wealth and power comes increased temptation to hypocrisy and abandoning convictions.
"Do you have some evidence that hypocrisy is exclusive and/or to the "left wing," or is this just a sweeping and unsupported Accusation?"
Well, I generally don't have evidence of claims I haven't made, therefore I have no evidence because I didn't make the claim you accuse me of. I certainly wouldn't have evidence of something that you made up and attributed to me. No, it's a specific example of a specific company when is clearly a company that actively supports liberal politics, being specifically hypocritical by not allowing their employees to vote to unionize. It's a specific example of a specific left leaning company who refuses to pay their employees a "living wage".
Am I confused that the APL has not been agitating for all employees to be paid a "living wage" and for all employees to have the right to vote on whether or not to unionize? Do you not support these two principles?
"I was merely agreeing with your premise that with wealth and power comes increased temptation to hypocrisy and abandoning convictions."
Since I wrote the post, and I know what my premise was, I can say with 100% certainty that my premise had nothing to do with the bullshit you just made up.
Dan never misses a chance to express his ideology, as twisted and far from truth as it is. And here again we see him defending the sins of his own by projecting them onto others, because he desperately needs to believe that all are as bad as those he supports and defends.
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