Monday, April 1, 2024

Well Done Satirical Video


Disturbing or hilarious?   This video makes a great satirical point.   


I've said it before.  The APL left is intentionally trying to abort LGB, and "trans" itself out of existence.   As long as they advocate policies that encourage leftists not to reproduce, eventually they'll all go away. 




Marshal Art said...

You sold it way short, Craig. It's not "well done". It's about as perfect an indictment of the "modern progressive" thought processes as can be presented. It's for all those who shriek about harming "innocent" life, while being the very people who are most dismissive of it.

Kudos to the producers of this video and to your for presenting it here.

Craig said...

It's pretty funny, and like most good satire, is more True than those depicted would like to admit.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

OUTSTANDING Video. Called my wife in to see it. Typical, ignorant LEFTIST is perfectly performed. I love the pharmacist!