Monday, April 22, 2024

Wonen's Sports

 I'll start this by being really honest, I'm not a huge consumer of women's sports.  I don't have anything against them, but just haven't found much compelling beyond this year's NCAA's and a few Olympic athletes.  Part of this is that I like my sports to have more to engage me than just the game.  Like the fact that a certain highly decorated downhill skier's mom worked with my wife made me more interested in her career, beyond the fact that she was a great skier.  

This year, however, it was impossible to miss the Caitlin Clark show in basketball.   It had everything, great athletes, great teams, great rivalries, and great coverage.  It was compelling.   Personally, I'm a Paige Beuckers fan(watched her in HS) but Clark, Reese, and the rest were fun to watch.  All of a sudden everyone was a women's sports fan.  The WNBA draft get big TV ratings.  It's possible that the last 12 months have been the best stretch women's sports has ever had.  Hell, the Woman's final get higher ratings than the men's (could have been because the men's started god awful late on TBS instead of 7:00 PM eastern on CBS) but still it's a great story.  

It could, and is, argued that the single thing that led us to this triumph of women's sports was Title 9.  The law that made women's sports on an equal footing with men's.   Title 9 was very probably a good thing on balance, and I'm not really interested in nitpicking the nuances of it.  

But, as we watched women's sports reach their pinnacle, Biden decided to piss on the party.  Joe's DOE decided to rewrite Title 9 to give some men equal status with all women.  Biden opened up the door for the downfall of women's sports.   Just for example, basketball is a game where height is rewarded.   7' tall men are pretty uncommon, and the one's with even a modicum of athletic ability can have some success as basketball players.    So, we know that the tallest D1 women's basketball player last year was 6'7" with a few 6'6" and 6'5" women right behind.  15 women were taller than 6'3" last year on NCAA D1 teams.  What's to stop an enterprising D1 women's coach from trawling the ranks of D2 and D3 or even NAIA to find a couple of guys who are between 6'9" and 7', and convincing them to "transition" to women?   What's to stop this team from running roughshod over the rest of D1 next year?   We know that the best women atheletes have trouble competing with men who are much younger or much lower ranked (USWNT, Williams sisters) than they are.  So it's not much of a stretch to think the NAIA, D2 and D3 men couldn't compete with D1 women.  I know, no coach in any sport would ever stretch the rules to win a championship, would they?  No women's coach would intentionally put the other team's players at increased risk of serious physical harm, would they?  No D3 college basketball player would ever think about how cool it would be to win a natty, and all that was necessary is to pretend to be a woman for a year or two, would they?  

But, none of that really matters much compared to Biden's huge mistake.   If this was such a big, important bit of executive action, why did he wait?  Why not do it sooner?  Why wait until the election campaign is in full swing?   Why not wait until after he's a lame duck?  Either post election (if he loses) or after he's sworn in in 2025?   Why risk pissing off a potentially significant number of his most reliable supporters to enact something that affects a minute number of people?   Is this in response to the "trans" narrative going down in flames in Europe?   Is this a bone thrown to the "trans" vote because the writing is on the wall as far as following the science?   Or is this just Biden being an old, guy with cognitive issues.   In any case, it's possible that this could affect the vote in November as all the women who just found out that the WNBA is the best thing ever (other than Taylor swift-and she's a Chiefs fan) realize that it's possible that nest years NCAA tournament could get won by a team with a couple of tall men on it.  Or that deserving women who've worked their asses off are going to miss out on scholarships or NIL because a dude took their spot.  Or watch Beuckers get injured early in her senior season as a 6'10", 275lb dude commits a charge and sends her to the ER.  

Because it's now "trans" women's sports. 


Dan Trabue said...

What's to stop an enterprising D1 women's coach from trawling the ranks of D2 and D3 or even NAIA to find a couple of guys who are between 6'9" and 7', and convincing them to "transition" to women?

What the hell is wrong with you? How do you even find the courage to get out of the bed in the morning with all the terrors that you imagine are happening in the world in the most benign places?

Give up your fear and fearmongering, little brother. The world is a better place than the hellhole you've made for yourself.

Marshal Art said...

This is what comes from voting Democrat and what comes from good men doing nothing.

Dan Trabue said...

What's to stop an enterprising D1 women's coach from trawling the ranks of D2 and D3 or even NAIA to find a couple of guys who are between 6'9" and 7', and convincing them to "transition" to women?

I'm guessing you don't even understand how irrational this comment is (Hey man, if you just pretend to be a woman, you could be a basketball star! - that's degrading to basketball players!) NOR how harmful/hurtful this comment is (as if our transgender family and friends, citizens and neighbors are just whimsically going through a transgender process just for kicks and giggles). It ignores the struggles and hardships that transgender folk endure, not the least of which is from bigots saying stupidly bigoted and ignorant stuff like you are, here.

The transgender process is not just a silly little game that is meaningless.

Are you suggesting that YOU could be "convinced" to change gender just so you could play a GAME?

Seriously, educate yourself. Abandon ignorant and bigoted thinking. Be a better, kinder, more rational and decent person.

Craig said...

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

Not a think. I watch what's happening already, with HS athletes being injured by biological males in women's games, I see how competitive sports is, I see how much money is at stake, I see how people tend to push the limits, and I asked a question. A question you didn't actually answer. Do you not know what D1, D2, D3 and NAIA are?

"How do you even find the courage to get out of the bed in the morning with all the terrors that you imagine are happening in the world in the most benign places?"

The alarm goes off, I get up, I go to work, and I'm not terrified of anything. I am concerned at the direction things are going, I'm concerned that my (potential) granddaughters are going to be faced with worse than what we see now. I'm concerned that women athletes are going to continue to be marginalized, lose opportunities, and get injured due to a commitment to a false narrative.

Craig said...


I'd argue that it's not quite that simplistic, but sure.

Craig said...

"I'm guessing you don't even understand how irrational this comment is (Hey man, if you just pretend to be a woman, you could be a basketball star! - that's degrading to basketball players!) NOR how harmful/hurtful this comment is (as if our transgender family and friends, citizens and neighbors are just whimsically going through a transgender process just for kicks and giggles). It ignores the struggles and hardships that transgender folk endure, not the least of which is from bigots saying stupidly bigoted and ignorant stuff like you are, here."

I'm guessing that you don't even understand the pressure to win in D1 sports, especially in major college revenue sports. I'm guessing that this is one more time where your ignorance hasn't stopped you from jumping in. I'm guessing that you still believe that your scientific/medical/expert opinion is more valid than the actual research we're seeing. I'm guessing that you didn't see the reports and video from a HS game a couple of months ago when a coach put in a biological male who significantly injured (harmed if you prefer) 3 girls in a single game. I'm guessing that you are ignoring the struggles, concerns, fears, and hardships that young women and girls experience when a man in his 50's shows up naked in their locker room. I'm guessing that, since you don't really give a shit/understand/care about sports, that your perspective might be warped a bit.

"The transgender process is not just a silly little game that is meaningless."

No, unalterably modifying one's perfectly functioning body to the point that it becomes a poorly function, scarred, replica of the opposite sex is not silly or a game. It's serious. Taking massive amounts of hormones and irreversible puberty blockers is absolutely not a game. Making a non functioning, fake, "vagina" out of one's colon is not a silly game. Biological wome losing out on opportunities, being denied the fruits of their hard work, or being needlessly injured, by a biological male is not a silly game. You are right, it's very serious.

"Are you suggesting that YOU could be "convinced" to change gender just so you could play a GAME?"

At this point in my life, no. As a HS/College student with hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line, unlikely but possible. I'm suggesting that just because I wouldn't do something, that other people won't. Hence the question you've dodged.

"Seriously, educate yourself. Abandon ignorant and bigoted thinking. Be a better, kinder, more rational and decent person."

It's because I educate myself beyond your almighty Narrative, that I'm raising these concerns. I'm not the one advocating sacrificing the hard won gains of women on the alter of the "trans" Narrative.

Craig said...

"In spite of your fears and fevered imagination, real life is not a sitcom (here, I'm thinking Bosom Buddies, but Ms Doubtfire is another option... or Tootsie). And just because you MIGHT ("but possible...") be tempted to dress in drag to fool people for money and make a mockery of actual trans folks doesn't mean others are irrational or immoral or greedy as you indicate that you could possibly be."

In spite of your inability to accurately represent what I actually said or to deal with the potential situation that we may well see, you ignorance of the reality of major college sports is making you look like a naive fool. The reality of college sports is the we've seen multiple examples over the last few years of programs willing to skirt the rules to gain an advantage. The fact that all you have is your hopes, based on a couple of Hollywood fantasies, doesn't help your (lack of) argument at all. Your childish innocence would be cute and endearing, if it wasn't so devoid of reality. FYI, the fact that you have chosen to ignore the reality that you are responding to a question I asked as if it was something other than a question, makes you look kind of stupid as well.

"Your low opinion of people and our dear transgender neighbors is showing. You've bought into a narrative that is blinding you and making you live in fear. Stop the hatred, embrace grace. Be better."

You see, when you make shit up and pretend like your made up shit actually represents what I've said, think of believe, it reinforces my conclusion that you do much better against straw men, than real ones.

But I do appreciate you whitemansplaining and telling me what I think, because you know best. It's impressive that you not only allow the very thing you wrote an entire post about in the comments of that post, but you also engage in that behavior here.

Craig said...

It appears that I accidentally deleted Dan's comment which I responded to above. Fortunately, the entire text of his comment is included in the above response in it's entirety. It's also pasted below. As usual, i apologize for my mistake.

"In spite of your fears and fevered imagination, real life is not a sitcom (here, I'm thinking Bosom Buddies, but Ms Doubtfire is another option... or Tootsie). And just because you MIGHT ("but possible...") be tempted to dress in drag to fool people for money and make a mockery of actual trans folks doesn't mean others are irrational or immoral or greedy as you indicate that you could possibly be.

Your low opinion of people and our dear transgender neighbors is showing. You've bought into a narrative that is blinding you and making you live in fear. Stop the hatred, embrace grace. Be better."

Dan Trabue said...

The reality of college sports is the we've seen multiple examples over the last few years of programs willing to skirt the rules to gain an advantage.

And yet, you can't point to ONE INSTANCE of a man dressing like a woman for the alleged advantage of playing in a women's league. Not one. THAT is the sitcom nature of your allegation. It's a fear of "...but, but, but... it MIGHT happen! I have a friend of my cousin who once was thinking maybe his uncle might do that..."

It's swamp gas, naught else.

FYI, the fact that you have chosen to ignore the reality that you are responding to a question I asked as if it was something other than a question, makes you look kind of stupid as well.

When one asks a pointed question of a traditionally, historically oppressed group (or casting aspersions at the group by implication of the question), one IS casting aspersions. "But isn't it the case that maybe some black men with criminal intent might come in and harm our white women??" That is a question, but it's a question with a nefarious attack built in.

Be better.

Your "question"...

What's to stop an enterprising D1 women's coach from trawling the ranks of D2 and D3 or even NAIA to find a couple of guys who are between 6'9" and 7', and convincing them to "transition" to women?

REALITY. Reality is to stop it. Sports is not a low-grade 80s sitcom with a brainless plot. People don't DO this. AND, should it happen, what's to stop it? REALITY. If someone is just playing at being transgender (ie, cross-dressing for the sake of a few dollars - or many dollars, even), it will come out. Scam artists might get away with scamming people for a while, but the truth will out.

And if you're talking about some male who identifies as a male ACTUALLY transitioning solely for the sake of money... Well, that just isn't going to happen.

Can I give you a million dollars to come cut your junk off and implant breasts in your chest, Craig? TEN million? At what price would you do that?

It is not happening in the real world. It's a gaslighting, idiotic question based upon a sit-com-level premise.

Marshal Art said...

"Give up your fear and fearmongering, little brother."

Really, Craig! Give up your fear and fearmongering when you say transsexuals are under constant assault from Christian conservative white men!

"The world is a better place than the hellhole you've made for yourself."

The world was a far better place before those like Dan and his kind made it the worsening hellhole it now has become.

"(Hey man, if you just pretend to be a woman, you could be a basketball star! - that's degrading to basketball players!)"

Hardly. But one "transitioning" from their actual sex to the opposite sex (as if it's even actually possible) is self-degrading.

"(as if our transgender family and friends, citizens and neighbors are just whimsically going through a transgender process just for kicks and giggles)"

Honest people and honest medical professionals know it's far worse than mere "whimsy". It's a serious mental disorder that modern progressives dishonestly enable as "normal".

"It ignores the struggles and hardships that transgender folk endure, not the least of which is from bigots saying stupidly bigoted and ignorant stuff like you are, here."

Their "struggles" are related to their refusal to accept who and what they truly are, which is NOT the opposite sex they irrationally believe is possible to become. There's nothing at all bigoted about speaking truthfully about the many manifestations of their disorder. Enabling their disorder, as Dan does for all the LGBTQ community, is sin. But it could be that enablers like Dan wish they had the "courage" to come out and butcher themselves in a like manner.

"Seriously, educate yourself. Abandon ignorant and bigoted thinking. Be a better, kinder, more rational and decent person."

To Dan, this means rejecting actual science in favor of the whining of the disordered. Better, kinder, more rational and decent people than Dan do not give in to and enable the delusions of the disordered.

"And just because you MIGHT ("but possible...") be tempted to dress in drag to fool people for money and make a mockery of actual trans folks ..."

There's nothing anybody could do to "make a mockery of actual trans folk" (there is no such thing) than "actual trans folk" have made of themselves by giving into what is clearly mental delusion. That is, except for sanctimonious fake Christians of the modern progressive ilk who enable their delusion. How disrespectful of truly sick people!

Marshal Art said...

"Your low opinion of people and our dear transgender neighbors is showing. You've bought into a narrative that is blinding you and making you live in fear. Stop the hatred, embrace grace. Be better."

Ah! The meaningless "embrace grace" shaming! My low opinion is reserved for the low character people enabling mentally deluded people and the activists among those deluded who clearly, by their hateful response to truth, demonstrate their guilty consciences. The modern progressive and the LGBTQ activists do nothing to compel positive opinion on the part of honest, moral people.

"And yet, you can't point to ONE INSTANCE of a man dressing like a woman for the alleged advantage of playing in a women's league. Not one."

This is funny. I can't think of a single example of a professional athlete...even a third string bench warmer...who has. But I also can't think of one example of a dude who pretends to be woman/girl who was ever good enough to be even a third string bench warmer in a men's league, but competes against women who don't stand a chance against them. Regardless of whether or not they're sports-minded mental cases, the outcome is the same. The only way they can win at sports is by competing against those who are no competition. Scumbags allow it to happen pretending they're somehow more compassionate by such allowance, while girls and women suffer seriously on every level.

I am totally unconcerned about the concerns of these people, except where I can see one who struggles trying to overcome their delusions about themselves, but persevere. Too bad the left-leaning shrink organizations don't care about helping these people.

Craig said...

"transsexuals are under constant assault from Christian conservative white men!"

Didn't you mean, "transsexuals are mass shooting conservative children and assaulting children"?

"It's a serious mental disorder that modern progressives dishonestly enable as "normal"."

At least Europe is coming to it's senses and not doubling down on this crap. Too bad all the European experts are stupid and don't know the real truth like Dan.

The problem with Dan's "it hasn't happened yet" bullshit is that it ignores the fact that Biden just gave a green light for exactly this. It ignores the fact that it's happening at lower levels, and in individual sports. It basically ignores reality. I think it's rooted in his dismissive/disdainful attitude towards sports in general, and his ignorance of cheating in D1 sports.

Dan wouldn't embrace grace if it bent him over and... Well, you can imagine.

Craig said...

One problem with Dan's stupidity is that he thinks that the primary target of this post is "trans" people. It's much more of a shot at Biden for starting the dominoes that could end women's sports, and the coaches that are willing to do anything to win.

Marshal Art said...

There is so much which is dishonest, contradictory and evil in Dan's enabling of these sad disordered people, it's hard not to notice.

I mocked with truth something he said earlier about how the notion of bad basketball players "transitioning" for money is degrading to basket ball players. Aside from the inherent self-degradation of succumbing to one's mental disorder as these transsexuals do, there's the degradation of womanhood, which is far worse and especially far worse for a fake defender of womanhood as Dan claims to be.

Craig said...

It's the assault on womanhood that is the most concerning. The act of reducing women to "birthing people" or people with a "front hole", takes something uniquely created by YHWH for a specific purpose and reduces it to merely what sexual/reproductive organs someone has. Which I remember being told that it wasn't all about genitals, except now biological women are literally being reduced to their sexual/reproductive organs.

What we have is people cosplaying as women by exaggerating the stereotypical women's attributes, breasts, heavier than normal make up, exaggerated walk, clothing that draws attention to certain body parts, as well as dressing and acting like teen girls. It's the one kind of cultural appropriation that the left applauds.

Marshal Art said...

Richard Levine is one butt-ugly teen girl in his nicely pressed uniform.

Craig said...

As is Lia Thomas or any of the rest. But who cares what they look like, when they have such a physical advantage over women.