Friday, July 7, 2023

It Seems Unusual

 It seems unusual that the Biden administration invested untold amounts of time and money to hunt down and prosecute as many of the Jan 6 protesters as they possibly could, yet still haven't released all of the security footage that exists.    

Further, it seems unusual that SCOTUS was unable to find the leaker of the case that struck down Roe, despite the number of possible suspects being very small.

Further, it seems unusual that we still haven't seen the manifesto from the shooter at the Christian school.

Finally, it seems unusual that the WH is unable to figure out who left a bunch of cocaine in an area that is heavily secured, limited access, and monitored by video surveillance.  

I'm sure it's nothing, but it does seem strange. 


Feodor said...

Oh, Stan bin Laden (because you, too, wrote that you hate NYC), you and your blogging gang if thugs: how are so blind that you read Galatians and don’t realize that you, too, are those whom Paul wishes would castrate yourself!

You! add burdens to believers who are loving and kind and merciful. You! try to make think they should believe exactly you do. You! are the same as the Judaizers. They wanted all Christian’s to live by the laws of Judaism. You want everyone to fall in line with straight white male supremacy.

You’ve learned nothing and judge everyone.

I wish you would cut off your balls, you hater of god’s children and the varied ways we image the divine and create in the likeness of the Trinity.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Feodor tried to post this on my blog. The guy is either on drugs or mentally unsound. I refuse to allow him on my blog, so he has attack my wife on her blog (which is essentially for women). Real manly.

Marshal Art said...

That feo...he's hilarious!