Thursday, July 6, 2023

Majority rule

 We live in a country that is founded on the concept of majority rule.   Not a true democracy where the will of 50.1% of the people can impose their will on the rest, but a representative form of majority rule nonetheless.  

Except, when we don't.    We've seen a significant increase in presidents trying to legislate by executive order in order to get things into "law" without actually wasting time with the legislative process.    We've just seen Biden's attempt a naked vote buying by fiat struck down by SCOTUS.      (As an aside, I pity the idiots who believed that Biden could magically make a small fraction of their debts disappear and voted for him believing that they'd actually get their debts paid by others.   Although, I'm confused.  I thought paying one's debts was a good thing and something to be applauded.)    

The other day, the governor of WI decided that he was going to ignore the whole majority rule/will of the people/representative republic thing and impose his will on his subjects.   He decided to use his veto power to veto the hyphen between 24-25 in a school funding bill, and pretend like this locks massive funding increases into law for the next 402 years.   Ignoring the clear intent of the legislature, and not even bothering to consult with them, he just decided to make this shit up on his own.  

I have no doubt, he'll be cheered by the APL for his creativity and ingenuity.   He'll be lauded for putting on over on the legislature, and the majority of the voters that elected this group of legislators to legislate.  He'll be lauded because this is a pet issue of the APL the notion that perpetually increasing school funding will miraculously increase grades and graduation rates.   

Seems like  a bait and switch fraud to me.   Of course the legislature will fix this, and his little stunt will be for naught.  Except in the minds of his base, who will believe for decades that he funded schools for the next 402 years, when it won't be True.   But as we've seen from the APL, it's not so much following through on promises that counts, it's simply making the promises. 

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