Wednesday, July 26, 2023

To Trans or Not to Trans


In the rush of the trans medical-industrial complex's rush to start "treatment" that will permanently an irreversibly alter healthy, perfectly functioning, human bodies one has to wonder how this lawsuit will turn out.     I'll be interested to see what the defense is, as well as to see the outcome.    I suspect that if we see enough people winning these sorts of lawsuits, we will see the trans medical-industrial complex starting to exercise more caution before they start adolescents on the same drug that many on the left argue is "cruel and unusual" when it's used to chemically castrate sex offenders.    It'll also be interesting to see how the all trans at all costs crowd reacts.    It seem like enough of these cases going in favor of the victims, and they'll have to at least reconsider their stance.   

As I was watching the US women's soccer team play to a draw last night, and realized that they probably need 3 or 4 "trans women" on the team. 


Marshal Art said...

I fear the willingness of the patient to act on the advice of these evil bastards who pretend to care about the mental and physical health of their patients will make it difficult for the evil bastards to be held to account. To prove the evil bastards had evil intent in their "professional" guidance will be difficult. How this wouldn't inevitably be just another malpractice case at worse depends specifically on the moral compass of the judge hearing the case and any jury which might be involved.

Marshal Art said...

I saw an article speaking to these lawsuits and how there are more being brought against the medical/psychological "experts" who rush to get these young people butchered rather than actually treated. This is as vile a cash grab as the abortionists' evil.

Marshal Art said...

Craig said...


What we're seeing is a subset of the medical industry that has rushed to cash in on this trend, and are making millions. At some point, these lawsuits will grow to a point where they will force the trans-medical-complex to back off and take their time instead of rushing children into these radical surgeries.