Friday, July 7, 2023

The Least of These

 I think that we can all agree that an infant is one of the least of these.  They depend on their parents for everything from food to cleaning up the other end of the digestive tract.   Pretty helpless, right?     Jesus tells us that good parents don't give their children bad things.   He said that a bad parent won't give a child a snake instead of a fish, or a rock instead of bread.   I think we could extend those examples to say that a good parent wouldn't give their hungry infant and empty bottle, couldn't we?    

Yet, in a bit of performative social media attention grabbing, we see a video of a biological male, who's had breast implants, "breastfeeding" his infant.   For those of you who've had children, can you imagine the response of a hungry infant when they latch onto a nipple and get no nourishment at all?   Can you imagine the result if this guy chose to only "breastfeed" this infant?   Wouldn't the child starve?    

If I remember correctly, there is some degree of bonding that happens between a mother and child when they breastfeed.    I can't imagine that a child being forced to "feed" from a nipple that will never provide nourishment having the same bonding experience as one who actually does breastfeed.   One wonders what effect this guy essentially lying to this child from this very young age will have on the child.

Finally, I'm quite sure that someone will respond by pointing out that it's not unheard of to supplement breast feedings with feeding from a bottle, which is actually True.   The problem is that for that argument to work, you would need to completely redefine supplement.  

" 1.  something that completes or enhances something else when added to it."

" 2.   add an extra element or amount to."

The word supplement literally carries the intrinsic meaning of adding to something that already exists.   In this case, since absolutely zero naturally occurring breast milk is present, it would be necessary to totally replace the nonexistent "breast milk" with formula.    Obviously, some biological women are unable to breastfeed and must bottle feed, but it should go without saying that this is usually because of something that doesn't function the way it was intended to not because they were born without any of the necessary bits to breastfeed.   Finally, I can't imagine a biological woman choosing to post a video of herself "breastfeeding" her baby if she was unable to breastfeed.   

On a related note, I saw a Twitter post from PP where they offered contraceptives that were to be used during anal sex.    Enough said on that subject.  

 It's all about the Science, until the Science gets in the way of ideology.  


1 comment:

Marshal Art said...

Children are nothing more than props to exploit to progressives. Whatever serves their perverse causes is what matters...not the suffering of children.