Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Will of the People

 Dan has been quite adamant that the legislators must heed "the will of the people" and follow their wishes expressed through opinion polls.  

Strangely enough we see this.       https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/kpnwbn3sup/econTabReport.pdf#page46

Across the board, all ages, races, genders, everything, tells us that the majority of the people in the US approve of the recent SCOTUS decision on affirmative action.     One wonders if Dan will back following the "will of the people" on this topic? 


Marshal Art said...

Naturally, the "will of the people" argument only comes out when a lefty thinks the will of the people is on his side.

Craig said...

Of course that is a very likely outcome. The "will of the people" will routinely be ignored when it doesn't align with the APL's narrative.