I've wondered for a few years why any demographic group would repeatedly support a political philosophy that promises so much and delivers so little. While I don't particularly agree with a political philosophy predicated on "You vote for us and we'll give you lots of stuff.", that has been the bargain that many demographic groups have made with the DFL. I'm guessing that the contrast between the last two administrations has really hit home, and it's causing folx to question the Faustian bargain they'd made. Obviously, we'll see what happens during the actual election. I'm not going to get my hopes up but eventually I'd think that folx would either change their votes, or stop voting at all.
Call me cynical, but I have low expectations for the wider electorate. The truth could not have been made more obvious, but it astounds how so many refuse to accept or acknowledge it. Trump was wildly criticized for suggesting he'd not lose support even if he killed someone in the street, and his supporters are treated as if that's actually the case. Yet we have documented proof of the harm done by leftist political animals and there remains a surprising number of morons who continue to pretend we're better off having denied Trump a second term. Even the leftist media...actual enemies of the people...include a number of liars insisting we don't know how good we've got it now that Trump is gone and a notorious and well known incompetent has been fraudulently put in his place.
It's nice to hear how some groups are beginning to see the light. I hope it's enough to overcome all leftist cheating in 2024. We'll see.
While I don't particularly agree with a political philosophy predicated on "You vote for us and we'll give you lots of stuff.", that has been the bargain that many demographic groups have made with the DFL.
1. Wait. Are you saying that the majority of black people only vote for Democrats so they, personally, can get "lots of stuff..."? Is that what you think of black people? (I know that's a common myth amongst conservatives, but thought you'd be better than that... but you tell me.)
I've wondered for a few years why any demographic group would repeatedly support a political philosophy that promises so much and delivers so little.
2. See 1.
3. Have you asked your black friends and colleagues who vote for Democrats WHY they do so? If so, surely you've heard it repeatedly that the GOP is full of people who vote against the interests of black community (at best) and are racist (at worst). If you look at research into why black people say they vote for Democrats, they tend to say some version of "They have their problems, but the GOP is no place we CAN turn to, given their antagonism towards black people - the "thug" and "welfare queen" dog whistles often used about black people to justify voting against policies that black people support.
4. For instance, the Child Tax Credit (CTC) of 2020 reduced child poverty by a great deal, and that was especially true in communities of color.
"SPM [Supplemental Poverty Measure] rates for Hispanic children fell the most, from 29.1% in 2009 to 8.4% in 2021. SPM rates for Black children fell by 17.1 percentage points, from 25.2% in 2009 to 8.1% in 2021.
Just between 2020 and 2021, Black child poverty rates slid by 8.8 percentage points. Similarly, Hispanic child poverty rates fell by 6.3 percentage points in that one year."
5. This was an effective policy that the Democrats would like to keep going because of its effectiveness in greatly reducing child poverty but that the GOP stands opposed to. Black communities support the CTC/Expanded Child Tax Credit. They may regret that Democrats aren't more effective or emphatic in pushing it through, but do you think they're going to turn to the GOP instead?
That's just one example. The "war on drugs" and criminal justice issues and policies are two other areas where the Democratic position is the one black people tend to support while the GOP positions are contrary to their interests.
6. If you want to know why black people tend not to vote for the GOP in large numbers, ask them. You'll get the answers. But don't insult their intelligence. That's one of the reasons they tend NOT to vote GOP (and frankly, one of the reasons they're often justly miffed at the Democrats, as well).
Do you seriously think the interests of black people will be well-served by voting GOP instead, when they tend to OPPOSE GOP policies? If so, is that a case of you/the GOP talking down to them, assuring them that "we know what's best for you..."? If so, that would be another reason.
And lest you say, "But if the policy has the gov't releasing ('giving') more funds back to impoverished neighborhoods, then why ISN'T that a case of black people voting for policies that give them money..." it's because they're supporting policies that strengthen traditionally oppressed/impoverished communities. It's about justice for the poor, not getting a check for themselves.
1. No.
2. Given that modern political campaigning is almost entirely based on "Vote for me and I'll give you stuff", I fail to see your point.
3. The only person I've ever heard this from is you. Which really ignores the point. The reality is that Black folk do not fare particularly well when the DFL controls things. It seem strange that black folk live in such fear of the GOP that they willingly suffer under the DFL.
4. Ohhhhh, Dan found one thing he insists helped people of color.
5. No.
"That's just one example. The "war on drugs" and criminal justice issues and policies are two other areas where the Democratic position is the one black people tend to support while the GOP positions are contrary to their interests."
I might believe this if it wasn't for the Clinton '94 crime bill, and the fact that Harris built her entire career on convicting black folk.
6. Again, you miss my point. It's not about voting for the GOP, It's about why they continue to vote for the DFL when the DFL has served them so poorly. If you're correct that the only choices are the ineffective DFL, and the scary GOP, then I'd think the most likely course would be not to vote at all.
"Do you seriously think the interests of black people will be well-served by voting GOP instead, when they tend to OPPOSE GOP policies?"
What I think is irrelevant. But I understand why you need to move the discussion away from why blacks vote DFL, despite the failures of the DFL to deliver on it's promises and to ignore black leaders who publicly make statements like the one I posted about.
It's always impressive when you take it upon yourself to speak for black folk, and to speak for me.
Dan's point #3 suggests black people are woefully stupid if what Dan says they believe is true. I would like Dan to provide an example of any GOP policy which is meant to harm black people in any way. The GOP, when acting according to it's own philosophy, can't work against black interests because they don't deal in serving factions. Rather, as did Trump, they work to serve all Americans. Period. It's the Dems who bribe demographic groups by promising benefits specific to them. Doing so is not equal application of the law. It's necessarily discriminatory, which the Dems have always been and still are.
I don't know about the GOP oppose Child Tax Credits, but I do know they're unnecessary in a booming economy. Thus, the Dems work against the interests of blacks as they do everyone else by their tax and spend policies which impede economic growth. Clearly the black population fared better under Trump, whose tax and regulatory policies, unlike any by Obama or Biden, led to historically low unemployment rates for the black population and increased wages for most if not all Americans. That's not to mention that the costs of living was far better than it is now. Nothing reduces poverty like jobs. Dems only seek to give other peoples' money away so as to posture as helping. The leftist modern progressive always postures and poses instead of actually doing something which really helps.
The black population has a false perception of the GOP because lefties and race-hustlers perpetuate falsehoods about the intentions of that party. Between that and the bribery by the Democrat party, they and other demographic groups are hooked and continue to support the Dems because of the "stuff" they receive in return. And what do people receive from the GOP, particularly the conservatives they're all supposed to be? Liberty and freedom to achieve whatever one's ability and determination can acquire.
I think that school choice is an issue that polls extremely well among black folk, and that there seems to be a decent amount of empirical evidence to support, yet is never even considered as an option by the DFL. It doesn't matter that we see metro area after metro area where significant percentages of students can't read or do math at grade level. It seems likely that the Unions have a significant amount of impact of the DFL position, regardless of how this position affects students.
Dan's position seems to be predicated more about what he thinks, that black folk think about GOP policies. It could be argued that it is unlikely that a hard core DFL supporter is highly unlikely to present a GOP policy in a way that is fair and unbiased or that is intended to encourage the listener not to accept the GOP policy as worthy of consideration. (To be fair, the GOP can suck at communication as well.)
As I keep hearing more and more black leaders like those in the video I posted, I can't help but think that some black folk are looking beyond this one party domination and actually looking at the results the DFL has produced compared to what they promised.
It's also hard to separate this discussion from the cynical and racist attitude of LBJ, who's intent was to tether the black vote to the DFL for centuries without actually doing much to help.
Well said.
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