Thursday, December 29, 2022


 Black voices aren't the only minority voices who say things worth listening to.

"Identifying as trans is just a way for white men to place themselves at the top of the progressive oppression hierarchy.  It's literally white patriarchy but with extra steps and horrible makeup. "

Lauren Chen

What if?

 Dan, and others, base their arguments in favor of unrestricted abortion on the following premise.

"It's wrong to force a woman to give birth to a child." 

It's not their only argument, but it's a regular.    Leaving aside the multitude of problems with this statement, I want to focus on a hypothetical.

Recently, I've seen various sources reporting on the possibility of some sort of artificial womb.   Some incubation container that would allow us to grow children is "greenhouses".    I know it sounds horrific, and the potential for harm seems huge.  But, consider this.

What if these women who can't be inconvenienced by allowing the child in their womb to fully gestate, let alone be bothered to care for it, were able to transplant the child into one of these artificial wombs?   Wouldn't that completely eliminate this line of argument?   What if, the millions of families who would adopt these children if their lives weren't being ended so cavalierly were able to fund these artificial womb centers?   

I suspect that the pro abortion folx would find other excuses to end the lives of their children, even if they had this option.   Because it's their property to dispose of as they wish with no restrictions. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Harm isn't always bad.


The piece above references at least a couple of studies that could reasonably lead an unbiased observer to conclude that abortion causes harm to the women who abort, as well as to the aborted child.  


On top of the studies that strongly link abortion with increased cancer risk, PTSD or other mental haelth issues, and damage to the reproductive system.  

 By all means, let's ignore the harm.  


 Many say "Your doctrines and beliefs don't matter--what matters is how you live, if you are a good person or not". But that IS a doctrine--it's the doctrine of justification by works.  

D.M. Lloyd-Jones

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Counter Culture

 I could be wrong, but it seems like we've had a movement towards a counter culture in the US since the 1950's.   I think you could say that it started with the advent of rock music and the fact that parents didn't like it.  During the 50's it looked like the guy in a leather jacket, with a hot rod, and a cigarette.  During the 60's is looked like hippies, those who experimented with LSD, and who protested the Vietnam War.  In the 70's we saw the excesses of the disco scene, punk rock, and the emergence of the homosexual activists.   

What's interesting to me is that at some point in the 70's and 80's what had been the counter culture was morphing into the dominant culture. At some point in the 90's Hip Hop culture was briefly counter cultural, until culture simply absorbed it as well.  We started to see thousands of identically dressed people who all acted the same who really believed that they were non conformist and a counter culture.   They must have missed the point when the trappings of the counter culture had been turned into a fashion statement.

Fast forward to the 2020's and all of a sudden the counter culture looks like people who want to get married, live on a farm, home school their kids, and dress well.    It looks like young women who choose to dress modestly.  It looks like people deciding to choose not to live the drugs, sex, and Rock and Roll lifestyle.  

It's kind of refreshing to see a counter culture that doesn't involve destructive behavior. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

It's Easier

 Instead of my documentation of the revelations coming out of Twitter, I'll simply point people to Wintery Knight's blog where he goes into quite a bit of detail, and provides links and quotes.  

He also has another excellent debate regarding the existence of God.  I suspect the no one here has the intellectual ability of those being debated, and certainly don't suspect that anyone here could demonstrate that any of the arguments made are false.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

4 Arguments

 "It's not a person."

"It belongs to me."

"I can do with it as I please."

"The law is on my side."


Historically these 4 arguments have been used to justify two institutions.  Any guesses?

It's Alway's Strange When the Data Doesn't Support the Narrative


I'm interested in reading this when it comes out, because it seems that the research is suggesting that the current narrative might not actually be True.  

Discrimination and Oppression


It would appear that we're seeing the L's who are oppressing the T's.   

White terrorists


Strangely enough, this attack was blamed on "white supremacy" , and UVA chose to hide the identity of the attacker. 


 If a college professor claimed the following,

"white people are committed to being villians"

That Africans arrived in North America before white Europeans

"Whiteness is going to have an end date"

"We gotta take these muthafuckers out"

Should this professor be disciplined in any way?

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

You'd Think

 I could be wrong, but it seems like credible allegations of what was essentially a money laundering scheme that benefited DFL candidates and funneled money to Ukraine would be something that would be investigated, and would be a bigger news story.  

It also seems like it'd be worth investigating the vast sums of money that were earmarked for Ukraine, but can't be accounted for.  

It also seems like the stories of election irregularities in Maricopa county should be investigated by a neutral 3rd party, doesn't it?   Because it seems improper that a sitting secretary of state, was able to oversee an election that she was running is, doesn't it?   Isn't that at least the appearance of impropriety?

However, I suspect these will soon be forgotten as more conspiracy theories, until 3-4 years down the road.   When, just like Hunter's laptop, the Russia dossier, and the like we'll find out that they weren't conspiracy theories but actual wrongdoing. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Remember When?

At one point the most recent election law updates were characterized in all sorts of negative ways.  Mostly it was some version of trying to suppress voting.  Yet strangely enough voting in GA has broken all sorts of records since those laws were enacted.   

Clearly this couldn't be because certain people and organizations lied about the nature of GA's laws, or misrepresented them and their effects.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Remember When Hunter's Laptop was a Conspriacy Theory? 

Back before the 2020 election news broke about Hunter Biden and his questionable business dealings and of his use of his father's influence for his own benefit.   This story was poo pooed by everyone on the left.  "Conspiracy theory", "Russian disinformation", and more were put out by the media, the DFL, and the Biden camp.    Strangely enough, years later, CBS is the most recent MSM outlet to acknowledge that the story was actually True.   Now (I could be wrong) but it seems like a candidate for president who used his influence to help his son financially gain through business dealings of questionable legality, might benefit from the MSM not investigating this story right before an election.  It seems like this sort of potential influence peddling might have affected the outcome of at least 2 national elections had it been investigated in a timely manner.   It's possible that the DFL die hards, would have continued to support Biden, regardless of the Truth of the matter, maybe even likely.   But, I can't help but suspect that this news would have affected the independent voters.  

It's strange that this is finally coming to light after two elections which might have been negatively affected by this news.   It's also convenient that this could well be what keeps Biden out of the race in 2024.  One could almost conclude that Facebook, Twitter, and IG weren't the only media outlets that decided to influence recent elections, maybe the MSM did as well.  

But hey, this is just one more "conspiracy theory" that's turned out to be True. 

Speaking of Hyoocrisy

"Are any of you going to condemn unequivocally the shooting of gay folk at the Club Q in Colorado, apparently by a conservative?"


This, coming from someone who has never, to my recollection, unequivocally condemned  any political violence from folks on the left.  From the softball practice shootings, to the attempted assassination and illegal SCOTUS protests, to the years and years of riots, looting, and arson, or the vehicle attack in WI, I can't recall a specific, unequivocal, condemnation of any of those acts.  Let alone the multitude of attacks on crisis pregnancy centers.  It's always something like, "I condemn all acts of violence.", "We have no way to know who's really responsible.", "Jane's Revenge isn't really a leftist group.", "BLM had absolutely nothing to do with any riots, looting, or arson.  It was a bunch of conservative provocateurs.", and the like.  

My response to his nakedly political question is as follows.  

I have repeatedly and consistently opposed and condemned anyone who kills innocent people, regardless of their cause or reason for doing so.    The fact that you pretend as if I haven't said this multiple times, is simply another example of your double standard.  

If the bland, nonspecific, vague, general, condemnation of "all" of any behavior is good enough for you to hide behind, then it's good enough for everyone else.  

But, I really appreciate you jumping to a conclusion about the motives of the shooter without any actual evidence to back up your assumption.  

Maybe if you'd remove the log of hypocrisy from your won eye...

This Covers a Bit of Ground 

A CBS reporter was prevented from entering a stadium in Quatar because he was wearing a shirt that expressed support for the LGBTQXYZPDQ agenda.      This event raises some questions regarding the left wing narrative, and assertions about morality.

1.  Given that news reporters are supposed to be neutral observers of events and to report on those events, why was this repporter choosing to insert himself into the event and the controversy?

2.  Are T-Shirts with political/agenda logos really appropriate for journalists when they are actually working?

3.  Clearly Quatar finds homosexuality to be out of line with their moral code, as well as their legal code.  Does this mean that they are objectively correct in finding homosexuality to be immoral, and using their sacred text to do so?

4.  Why would FIFA choose to honor a country that engages in this sort of discrimination with a World Cup, and why would countries that object to this sort of discrimination participate?

5.  Is it appropriate for reporters to engage in protests as a part of their reportorial duties?

Wednesday, November 16, 2022


 I'm pretty sure I predicted this, or something close to it, but I have no desire to go back and find what I said.

But the fact that Trump hasn't waited until the results of the midterms are final to announce for 2024, is pretty much what I expected.   It seems clear that he wants to be the first one in the ring as a way to intimidate any potential challengers.   It also seems clear that the other part of his strategy is to preemptively attack the challengers he fears the most, as a way to keep them from running.  If your goal is to elect someone who is interested in simply exercising raw political power, and who doesn't care how much long term damage he does to the GOP or the conservative movement, then Trump is your guy.  If you want someone who is out for themselves first and foremost, Trump is your guy.   If you want someone who's going to blame others first, Trump is your guy.  If old guys are your jam, Trump and Biden are your guys. 

While I'm predicting, I'll try this on for size.

If Trump doesn't the the support he believes he should, or if he loses early primaries, I suspect that he will blame others for his failures and run as an independent.  This course of action will, of course, result in the DFL candidate being elected and 4 more years of crap.    

I'm noticing a trend.  Trump is excellent at blaming others for his failures, and now his followers are starting to do the same.  I guess I've always thought that taking responsibility for your own actions was a good thing. 

Friday, November 11, 2022


"a failure to understand something correctly."

 Given the dictionary definition above, it would appear that if someone tells you that they are pointing out your misunderstanding about a topic, they are implicitly asserting that they do understand something "correctly".


" in a way that is true, factual or appropriate; accurately."

 Given the dictionary definition of correctly above, it seems appropriate to conclude that anyone who claims that they are correcting your misunderstandings is claiming that their understanding of the topic under discussion  is "True, factual, or accurate.".   If you think about it that's quite a claim embedded in one word.    Misunderstanding doesn't convey a difference of opinion, it conveys "I'm right and you're wrong".    What's interesting is that the words correctly, true, factual,  and accurately, all all words that are binary, something either is True or false,  accurate or inaccurate, factual or non factual, it's an objective claim of certainty.   



I Can’t Believe It

 Well the midterms are over, and instead of a brief respite, we get the beginnings of 2024.    Apparently Trump is trying to get a head start by blaming others for some of the losers he backed, and going scorched earth on his perceived rivals.   Clearly this is the best of all possible GOP candidates, and someone who has the best interests of the GOP foremost in his mind.

From a senile POTUS, to a paranoid POTUS, that’s exactly what we need.  

And all y’all who voted DFL because you believed Biden had actually given you a refund for your student loan debt, don’t look that smart at this point either.  

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Maybe Dylan was right.

 During his "Christian" phase Dylan opined that we're "gonna have to serve somebody.",  I've always thought he was onto something.  Although I think that it's possible, even reasonable, to conclude that serve and worship can be used interchangeably in some instances.  

Last night, I was at an event where Jeff Deyo spoke.  Before I went I jumped into his recent book about worship.   One of the things he said in the book, and amplified last night, was that we are created/wired to worship.   He then followed that up with the observation that if we aren't worshiping YHWH, that we will worship something or someone else. 

Then I saw a tweet from Tim Keller which said, "You don't get to decide to worship.  Everyone worships something.  The only choice is what yo worship.".

This led me to conclude that maybe there was something to this idea.

The question, it seems to me, is "Are we going to worship the Creator or His creation?".

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Election Day

 It's election day, vote if you haven't.  Vote early, vote once, vote if you're legally eligible.  Don't vote if you are not legally eligible, and don't facilitate anyone who's not legally eligible to vote.  In the absence of clearly evident vote fraud that is well documented, don't immediately default to "illegitimate" if the outcome doesn't go your way.  

Based on the polls, it seems likely that there will be a 40-60 seat swing in the house, and a GOP majority in the senate.   Does this constitute a "Red Wave"?  I don't know.   

One recent news story, that is troubling, is the increase of districts/states who are making excuses for not being able to get ballots counted quickly.  Especially the ones claiming it'll take several days.   Given the fact that most of these seem to be blue strongholds, this does raise some questions.  I'd expect some scrutiny of these areas just to reassure people that the count is correct.  

What I'm interested in is the response of folx on the left if the GOP does well.   I'm especially interested in the demographic breakdowns.  Polling is showing us that there might be a swing away from the DFL among certain "minority" demographics, and it'll be interesting to see how that plays out.   Mostly what'll be interesting is to see how the MSM will spin a GOP win tonight (or a GOP loss).   I'm especially intrigued by how folx like Dan will respond.  


One last thought.  After the 2020 election, I expect to there y'all who've been bitching about election deniers come down hard on folx like Stacey Abrams if she loses and complains about the election being rigged.  She's done it before, there's no reason why she won't do it again.



Monday, November 7, 2022

Romans 8

 We've been working through Romans 8 for the last couple of months, and are close to the end.   Where we find v. 28, one of the more popular verses in The Bible.

"28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[i] have been called according to his purpose."


There is plenty to dig into with this verse, but I want to focus on two things for now.  


1.  Paul (who knew a think or two about suffering) is very clear that YHWH will use "all" things as He works for the good.  Not some things, not the things that we might think are good, but specifically ALL things.  

2.  "The good", in this case is whatever is "according to His purpose".


Shouldn't this verse change the way we look at our circumstances, how we pray, and what we thank YHWH for?   

 In the following 2 verses we see this. 

" 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified."

 Obviously people have spent decades defining what these words mean, and there is some valuable theology to be gleaned from that work.  

But I want to try to simplify it for the present.  What Paul seems to be saying is that YHWH has a plan for "those who love Him", that plan was in place before we were born, and the ultimate goal of the plan is to glorify us in His image.   

What was pointed out the other day is that Paul uses the past tense in these verses to indicate that the work that facilitates all of this has already been finished, even as we experience the reality of living in the now and the not yet.  Again, wouldn't knowing this change how we view our circumstances?

When I think of this verse, I immediately picture my wife's ex "boss".  Joni Erickson Tada embodies what this verse means every single day of her life.  She could easily have given up after her accident, and simply waited for death.  Instead she realized that all things work together for the good, and chose a different path.  Today, Joni and Friends has helped literally millions of people with disabilities all over the world.   They've folded a form of prison ministry into their model.   Because of her tragic accident, millions of lives are changed daily in both temporal and spiritual ways.  

Maybe we get too focused on how difficult our lives are and how upset we get a YHWH because HE promised that He'd make our lives better.  

FYI, Romans 8:28 and following really does contain some profound theological insights, and Truth.   But that doesn't mean that it''s helpful to quote it to a family who's just lost a loved one, or someone who's just lost their job.   I'm thinking that it's probably more important to focus on providing love and support, not deep theological discussion. 

Monday, October 31, 2022

I'm sure this will be a huge news story.

Creflo Dollar, a leading proponent of the false prosperity gospel, pastors a church in GA.    Apparently this is now OK in churches.


"I just want to say this because I want to see how it sounds.  Governor Stacey Abrams just walked in.  So you already know what to do, right?  How many of you have already done it?  Wow. It's big time.  Make it happen. Do what you git to do."


On a related note, Stacey Abrams as magically seen her net worth grow from $109,000 to $3.17 million, despite not actually having any sort of job that would have allowed her to earn that much money.  


Maybe Creflo is right, and God can make you rich.



Friday, October 28, 2022


Strange, the number of western European countries accepting the "Gender Affirming" model continues to decrease, while the US continues to blaze down this path full speed.   It's almost like folx in the US are choosing to ignore what's happening in western Europe when it doesn't fit with their political agenda.  Are y'all really saying that the data coming out of western Europe, and the US is so badly wrong that we should ignore it and plow ahead?

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Breaking the law.

 Despite the title I'm not a Judas Priest fan, and I don't think they belong in the Rock HOF, but the title was too good to ignore.  

I'm going to start with this premise.  The terms rule, law, and command(ment) are functionally identical, and can be uses interchangeably for the most part.   The second premise I'm going to start with is that sin is (at least in part) the breaking of the rules THWH has given us to follow.  

So, on a very basic level breaking a rule, is us concluding that our judgement is superior to the entity that promulgated the rule.   Even in the case of breaking a rule for a "good reason", we're essentially saying that the entity that promulgated the rule wasn't really intending that the rule be followed in this particular circumstance.

So let's look at the rules that YHWH gave us to follow.   I'm going to focus on the top two only for this post.   Mainly because Jesus Himself was very clear that these two rules are the foundation for every other rule YHWH promulgated.  Those rules can be summarized as follows. 

Love YHWH with all of your being, and love your neighbor the same way you love yourself.  


Let's look at the first one first.

It seems safe to say that no one in the history of the world, except Jesus, has succeeded in loving YHWH with the totality of their being, every minute of their life.  If there is someone else who's done this, I'd like to meet them.  I think it's interesting that Mother Theresa (someone who many would offer as an example), was pretty adamant that she'd failed to adequately love YHWH or others.   So, can we agree that any discussion of sin and it's seriousness starts from the place where we've all failed to follow the first and greatest commandment?   Can we agree that failing to follow this commandment is a sin against YHWH?

I'm going to use Dan''s cookie example, because it points something out that subverts the point Dan thought he was making.  

In Dan's example, some guy eats the last cookie, even though he knows that his wife really wanted to eat the last cookie.  

The conclusion that Dan draws is that while the guy might be a bit of a cad, he's (at worst) committed a "minor" or "trivial" sin, which isn't big deal in the grand scheme of things.    It's not like he raped anyone, right?

 But, hasn't this guy really broken the second greatest commandment, and chosen to love himself more than his wife?  Going a little deeper, didn't Paul (as a seeming extension of rule #2) command husbands to love their wives as He loved the Church?   Which would, minimally, consist of sacrificing the husbands desires on the alter of elevating the wife's desires?

But, in all seriousness, is violating the second greatest commandment, to love others the way we love ourselves, really "trivial"?    It's not a stretch to say that literally every single negative thing that plagues our world (war, murder, rape, slavery, theft, fraud, lying, etc) would not be a problem is we simply loved others as we love ourselves.

Let's go a level deeper in this.  What the cookie eater is essentially communicating by his actions is that he doesn't have to follow rule #2.   More than that he's communicating that he's really not that interested in following rule #1 either.   How do we get here you ask?   It's simple.  Jesus said, "If you love me, you will keep My commandments.".   One one level, as the second person of the Godhead, YWHW's  rules are literally Jesus' rules.  On another level, when Jesus confirmed that these rules were #'s 1&2, He was making those rules His as well.     Which leaves us with this guy who's self contentedness has led him to conclude that he doesn't need to follow rule #1 or rule #2. 

All of a sudden, it's starting to seem like calling his sin "trivial" or "minor" might be understating things a bit.

So, what is the common denominator to violating rules in virtually every situation?   It seems like it is the human tendency to focus on one's self, and what's best for one's self at any given moment.   It's the tendency for humans to conclude that this rule doesn't really apply to me, because I really need to break if for a really good reason.   It's our focus on our selves.  

But don't worry, focusing on and grounding our behavioral standards on ourselves, is "trivial".  Why, because we do not need the Bible to tell us what the right thing to do is.   

Wednesday, October 26, 2022




Dan made this emphatic assertion in the 5000 comment long morass that started in August.   I think it's pretty interesting to see someone who claims the name of Christ, to empathically proclaim that "WE DO NOT NEED THE BIBLE TO...".    

In this case, he's emphatically trying to claim that "WE DO NOT NEED THE BIBLE TO...", have a universally applicable, consistent, objective, standard of morality.    That "WE" can construct a universally applicable, consistent, objective, standard for morality all by our selves.  That we can use our "God given" faculties to construct a universal moral system.  That our limited, finite, flawed, subjective, imperfect, (but "God given") faculties are up to the task.

If that claim is True, then why hasn't this happened?  Why do we have entire societies that have concluded that things like FGM, child rape, disfiguring children, slavery, government appropriation of private property, and the like are moral and acceptable?  Who is Dan to tell them that they're wrong?

Or, what about this.

What if "immoral" is functionally synonymous with "sin"?  Would that change things?   Secular culture and sociologists define morality as "Any system of behavior or mores that any given society, culture, tribe, or similar grouping define as acceptable and appropriate".  (or something similar)    This definition precludes any sort of universal moral code, it removes the ability of one culture to refer to the behavior of another culture as moral or immoral.  

But what we (according to Dan) know with absolute, emphatic, certainty, is that "WE DO NOT NEED THE BIBLE TO DO SO" (Determine of something is moral).    I wonder, in what other areas of life does Dan insist that "WE DO NOT NEED THE BIBLE TO..."?

Tuesday, October 25, 2022


 Dan has been dragging a thread out for about 5,000 comments while he's trying to demonstrate that YHWH saves everyone, or that WHYH wants to save everyone, but can't because He's at the mercy of His creation, or something else that I don't understand.   He's also back to introducing this notion of "trivial" or "minor" sins.   These categories haven't been defined, supported, explained, or the like.   Dan just acts like they are official categories and the YHWH agrees with him.

What I find interesting, and want to explore further in this post is how scripture speaks of sin and our relationship to it.

For example scripture tells us that we are "dead" in our sin, and the Jesus offers us "life" free from sin.  Or scripture tells us that we are "slaves" to sin, and the Jesus bought our freedom from :bondage" or "slavery" to sin.  

That language doesn't sound like there is room for "trivial" or "minor" sins, does it?   Death/Life or Slave/Free sound like mutually exclusive categories don't they?  Can you really be 95% alive and 5% dead?  Or 95% free and 5% enslaved?   

What I'm not interested in for this thread is Dan trying to rehash what he's already said elsewhere.  If he wants to do that here, I'll keep posting his comments on the other thread.  Or he can spout whatever he wants over at his place.   

I'd prefer to not allow comments on this thread until I flesh the premise out a little bit more, but I suspect that Dan will find himself unable to control himself and will not honor my request.   I could close comments, but if he's determined to comment on this before I'm ready, he'll just comment on another thread.  

That's all for now.  Hopefully I can revisit this soon.

I've fully intended to do a deep dive into this post, but the overwhelming number of repetitive, banal, unhelpful comments else where has prevented me from using my limited time to do so.  I'm just going to point out that all of the language used in scripture to describe sin is binary, there is no sliding scale.

We're either:

Sick, or Well/Healthy

Dead or Alive

Enslaved or Free

For or Against

Guilty or Innocent

Wide Path or Narrow Gate


We never see the writers of scripture talking about humans just being a little sinful, just a little taint of sin.  I realized that this language is so obvious and so well known that I probably didn't need to dig as deep as I was planning.  


Have at it.  

Saturday, October 22, 2022


" Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f*** things up."

Always give credit to P-BO when he is right.

"I think it's very hard to communicate to the median voter convincingly the chaos that a GOP victory is likely to unleash, and I think a lot of professionals vastly underestimate the tail risk."

Chris Hayes

I don't know for sure, but the above sounds like threats of a return to the chaos and violence of 2020 if Hayes doesn't get the election result he wants.  I wonder if he'll recant this when there's no GOP led chaos after the midterm elections?  

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Eaxggerate much?

"I was doing Meet the Press, and lightning struck a little pond behind my house," Biden told the conference Tuesday. "It came up through the ground into an air conditioning system."

"From the basement to the third floor, the attic, everything was ruined," he added. "We almost lost a couple firefighters, they tell me, because the kitchen floor was burning between beams, and then the house, in addition, almost collapsed into the basement."

An Associated Press report at the time described a "small" fire that was contained to the then-senator's kitchen, though it did mention "heavy smoke."

``Luckily, we got it pretty early,'' Cranston Heights Fire Company Chief George Lamborn told the outlet. ``The fire was under control in 20 minutes.''


So Biden is trying to claim that a "small fire" almost killed a couple of firefighters.    Exaggeration as a part of political rhetoric goes back  to the earliest days of our country.  The difference is that when David Crockett spun his yarns on the campaign trail, no one really believed that he was actually telling the truth.  It was understood that he was exaggerating for effect.   Yet somehow Biden thinks that he can "exaggerate" regarding all sorts of things that can be easily fact checked, with a straight face, with impunity.   At some point, doesn't "exaggeration" simply mean that he's lying, or losing his cognitive abilities?


Just this morning I saw a video of Biden claiming that Gas was $5.00 a gallon when he took office.  In reality I think the average was less than $2,70 when he took office.    

I guess folx only object to stupid lies, when it's expedient for them to do so.


Is anyone really surprised that Twitter has been flagging factual information about COVID and the "vaccine" as "misinformation"?   At least they had the decency to reverse themselves after enough outcry from the medical community.   I can see why we wouldn't want peer reviewed studies pointing out risks of the "vaccines" to be too widely spread, especially when the FL surgeon general is posting about it.

Anyone who thinks that Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram haven't been actively censoring things in ways that favor the left, as well is influencing information flow that might affect elections, is probably in denial. 

Right wing bigot alert.


Why am I not surprised to hear that DFL city leaders engaged in a racist converstaion.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Science, dammit, Science! Plus other random stuff.

Well, we've got Biden announcing the end of the pandemic, and his team scrambling to walk it back.  

We've got Stacy Abrams claiming that the heartbeat that is audible and visible at 6 weeks is a "manufactured sound".  


After Biden calls his political opponents "semi fascists and a threat to democracy" an 18 year old conservative is run down and killed  by Shannon Brandt because the kid was a Republican.   

Two former MPLS city officials (DFL and incidentally Muslim) were part of a large group of people indicted for stealing millions from funds intended for children's nutrition.

An investigation reveals some disturbing things happening at Vanderbilt transgender clinic.

"The best math you can learn is how to calculate the cost of your future decisions."

VJ Stoic Wealth



Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Frowny Face Emoji

 Apparently the notion that I should be able to go away for a couple of days with my wife, have day long training events at work, and have regular work to do without getting Dan's permission or announcing it makes Dan unhappy. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

More random stuff, some from black voices


According to the table in the post, 47% of blacks are able to read at a basic level, while 18% are proficient.  Is it reasonable to assign the difference between racial/ethnic groups entirely to "racism"?    Isn't it possible that there are other factors that would improve these numbers?

A "Trans Rights" group posted a meme that points out that 98% of straight men are unwilling to date "trans women" because of "hatred".    Their conclusion is, "THIS HAS TO CHANGE".     

I guess I'd start with the obvious, that their claim appears to have no supporting data.  Couldn't it be True that men won't date "trans women", because they're heterosexual and don't want to date another guy?  No matter how the other guy presents themselves?    Couldn't it also be True that this aversion to dating "trans women" isn't because of "hatred", but for other reasons?   Couldn't it be because many men would want to date someone with whom they might someday want to impregnate and conceive a child?  

Note:  Obviously some % of women are incapable of conceiving a child.  Yet in most cases, the only way to find out about this is to attempt to conceive,  and in some cases there are medical interventions that can allow conception or implantation of a embryo in the womb of the woman.    We all know that the possibility of a "trans woman" conceiving is zero.

For the last couple of years we've been told that "transitioning" children will prevent them from committing suicide.  Now we we data that calls that narrative into question.   Will those who worship Science and Data now reconsider their narrative an follow the Science?


"We have created nearly ten thousand million jobs since President Biden took office."

Karine jean-Pierre

Apparently, if you're a man, and you're attracted to the lady parts of a woman (hopefully we can leave it at lady parts), then your simply expressing a "fetish".     Strangely enough, this "fetish" is literally one of the main mechanisms that Evolution uses to propagate virtually all mammalian species.  So much for following the Science.

Just one more reminder that the tens of millions of dollars donated to BLM remain mostly unaccounted for and haven't been (so far as anyone knows) spent on actual poor black people.

But, the "experts"...


As recently as the aftermath of the 2016 election Karine Jean-Pierre said that the 2016 election was "stolen" and praised Jimmy Carter for saying that "Trump didn't actually win".  She also made public statements about convincing the EC to reject Trump.      Yet somehow that's OK.  

Thursday, September 1, 2022

I'm Torn This news has been bouncing around my social media feeds all day, and to he honest I'm torn about it. I literally have potential clients that would benefit from this program. I will likely use this as an incentive to encourage new clients to consider buying homes. To be honest, why wouldn't I? As long as my clients meet the qualifications set by BOA, then what would possibly prevent me from finding these qualified clients a new home? BUT, there's the other side of this. This program is by any rational definition I am aware of racist and discriminitory. Unlike the other legal discrimination in the RE world (55+), this is very simply discrimination based primarily or entirely based on "race". Once might wonder how elegibility for this program would be determined? Will they require a 23 and Me DNA test result? Will it be based on the "eye test", what about a couple composed of one black person and one white person? Will a black Hispanic get a higher preference than someone who's just black? While this might be well intentined, it seems like a recipe for disaster. It is interesting to see how blatant "woke" discrimination gets treated though.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

How About Fixing the Problem?

I saw a meme the other day that come pretty close to addressing some of the actual problems with our higher education system, and the need for student loans. "These are compounding interest loans: borrowers are struggling because they pay many times OVER what the borrowed and still owe." I agree that the entire system of student loans and the fact that the interest rates and terms seem outrageous. Yet, I still would say that people make the free choice to take these loans out. In many cases to pursue a degree in something where there is little or no chance of actually getting a job that will pay enough to pay the loans. In all other cases of loans being given the lender looks at the ability of the borrower to reasonably repay the loans before they choose to lend. Yet not so in the case of student loans. For example, someone who had excellent grades in HS, is planning to major in a STEM discipline, would seem to be a better risk than someone who was average in HS and is planning to major in Feminist Poetry of the 20th century. That's how people originate loans, it's all about risk/reward, the higher the risk the higher the reward. Except in the case of student loans, the lenders are incentivized to make risky loans, knowing that they are protected from those loans being discharged in bankruptcy, and that the federal government is likely to do more "forgiveness". In all of this, no one on the left is aiming this vitriol at the lenders (or the federal govt), or the institutions who keep raising prices at multiples of the rate of inflation because they know that the lenders will lend regardless of how nuts the prices are. It's a screwed up system, and the notion that a one time "forgiveness" of 10k doesn't even begin to address. This "forgiveness" is simply a cowardly way to pretend to be solving a huge problem while actually doing nothing. It's also a way to buy votes in '22 and '24. If this moves the needle on the midterms, you can bet we'll see another one of these in '24. If you want some ideas, here are a few. 1. Pass a "higher education" tax, and use that to pay for higher education. Tax university endowments, as a part of this tax. 2. Tie the ability to borrow for college to the utility/income potential for the jobs that a given major would lead to. 3. Incentivize students to pursue non college higher education. 4. Have the institutions of higher learning lend only to students that attend that particular institution. 5. Make student loans dischargable in bankruptcy. 6. Regulate the amount and types of interest that can be charged. 7. Tighten entrance requirements for colleges, potentially have tiers that are dependent on different levels of qualifications. 8. Do something like some European countries do where that have a two track secondary system. 9.  Rate degrees based on their future value in the marketplace and use that as a basis for choosing who to lend to.  I do keep seeing people using various European countries as examples of "free college", but I'd suspect that you don't have thousands of people going to free college and majoring in subjects that have little or no value in the marketplace. I suspect that the European countries that offer "free college", probably have quotas that would completely disrupt how higher ed is looked at here, as well as higher taxes. I'm not suggesting that I'm necessarily for any of the above, and would be open to other options. I think that this simplistic "loan forgiveness", vote buying scheme is a really bad idea, and one that is surrounded by lies.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Racism and the NFL

There has been a puch for quite some time to force NFL owners to hire more black head coaches, and front office people. So let's look at some numbers. Blacks represent between 13-14% of the US population. Therefore if things were equitable, black representation on the NFL would be roughly that of their representation on the population at large. All numbers from 2020. Total % of NFL players that are black, 70. Total % of assistant coaches that are black, 29.6. Total % of head coaches that are black, 9.4. Total number of off field staff that are black, 7.4 average of several categories. Total number of kickers and punters who are black, 0.00. Eventually the 29.6% of assistant coaches will likely grow, and lead to the number of black head coaches growing. But the total silence on the kicker/punter situation is outrageous.

I Guess it's Too Much

I guess it's just too much to ask for one instance where Jesus, His Disciples, or the Early Church actually lived out a prosperity gospel. A gospel in which the primary aim was to take matreially poor people, and make them not materially poor during their time on earth. A goapel in which the primary focus was eliminating earthly, mateiral, poverty, and minimizing the life beyond our fleeting time on earth. How does one reconcile that this gospel that was supposed to free the marginalized, oppressed, and poor actually ended up leading it's followers to increasing levels of marginilization, oppression, and poverty. Paul literally went from well to do, powerful, and a menber of one of the powerful sects of Jewish leaders, to an impoverished criminal slated for execution. John the apostle went from a fisherman, to an exiled prisoner. We know the stories, Peter crucified upside down, James killed, Stephen killed, and on and on. Read 1 and 2 Peter and tell me if Peter was writing to followers of a gpspel that had them in materially better shape than they started. Where is the gospel that predictaes salvation on improving one's financial position? What did Paul say about anyone who comes preaching a different gospel?

Thursday, August 25, 2022


Definition of justice 1a : the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments meting out justice social justice b : judge especially : a judge of an appellate court or court of last resort (as a supreme court) a supreme court justice —used as a title Justice Marshall c : the administration of law a fugitive from justice especially : the establishment or determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity a system of justice 2a : the quality of being just, impartial, or fair questioned the justice of their decision b(1) : the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action (2) : conformity to this principle or ideal : righteousness the justice of their cause c : the quality of conforming to law Above is the definition of justice, I think that it's not unreasonable to summarize justice as dealing with people according to what they deserve as a result of their actions. What I don't understand is under what definition of justice is it reasonable to make one person or group of people responsible for the actions of another. For example, Would justice have been served if instead of Chauvin being charged, tried, and convicted for the death of George Floyd, the court would have simply announced that some random MPD officer or officers were responsible and would serve Chauvin's sentence? If justice is served by taking the privately incurred financial obligations of a select group of people, and transferring those obligation to the entire US citizenry, then where does this stop? Are car loans, mortgages, and credit card balances going to be transferred to the national debt? Finally, is choosing to incur tens of thousands of debt to pursue a college degree that has virtually zero value a wise financial decision? Better yet, when are we going to have a serious discussion about how screwed up the higher education system is in the US and why we encourage kids to get worthless degrees?

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Black Voices Matter, Listen To Them


OK, they forced through a bill called the "Inflation Reduction Act", that has little to do with reducing inflation and everything to do with re packaging some provisions of the Green New Deal, and the "Infrastructure" bill under a misleading name. Then Biden proposes anouther 320+ billion dollar bill to lower student loan debt. Which means adding 320+ billion to the deficit/national debt. Then Biden wants to send another 3 billion in aid to Ukraine, raising the total US aid under Biden to around 20 billion. Most people agree that government spending causes inflation to increase. Some people claim that pacifism is a vitally important, non negotiable, tenet of progressivism. Yet our progressive president is combining increasing government spending, with supporting a war. I realize that much of the 20 billion in aid to Ukraine is in military hardward and other goods. The problem is that everything shipped to Ukraine is likely going to have to be replaced and replacement is going to cost more due to the historically high inflation. So this latest 3 billion, probably significantly understates the actual cost to US taxpayers.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Random Political Stuff As we head into the '22 midterm, and the '24 presidential elections, I wonder what it would do to the DFL candidates if up to 40% of black voters chose to stay home? I sympathize with the black farmers who were specifically told that their loans would be forgiven, and now find out that they most likely will not be. I also think it's a bit ironic that the federal government continues to subsidize tobacco farmers to grow a product that is a significant healath hazard. As far as the student loan debt thing, it's simply one more legal "bribe" to convince people to vote DFL. Much like the Walz chacks that our DFL governor promised us last yer after the state took billions of dollars more than it needed from taxpayers. Walz, promised us a token check, while the legislature argues abut how much or our money to spend. Mean while DFL Candidate Nina Turner has this pearl of bullshit. "Also—your tax dollars won’t be spent canceling the debt.". It's refreshing when DFL candidates don;t know how government is funded. Then there's this. What's obvious is that Biden is waiting until the last possible minute to address the student loan issue because he wants it to be fresh when it's time to vote. Obviously Biden had to announce something today, and it's looking like many on the left aren't particularly happy with his attempt to thread the needle. Especually the black activists. I'm not generally a fan of "stories" where they simply aggregate a bunch of social media posts, but it's easier and cleaner to simply post the link to the aggregation which has screenshots, and Twitter handles for verification of what was actually said. Meanwhile, this $320+ billion dollar attempt to buy votes will likely increase inflation, and wipe out any theoretical deficit reduction that Biden might have claimed in his term so far. I'm not going to address the multitued of other siiues around this, those are well covered. I might try to find the video of Pocahontas laughing at someone at one of her events who asked some reasonable questions about this topic. Is laughing at voters a good campaign strategy? Meanwhile, Biden simply lies about things. This bullshit claim will likely get repeated until the election as well. Finally, the number of blacks who identify as liberal has dropped from 49% to 34% since 2017. Obviously we don't know how this will specifically transer into voting patterns, but if 15% of black voters stop voting DFL across the board, woudn't that mean significant losses for the DFL? If 5% of those folks actually voted for the GOP, that seems like a significant swing to me. At some point I can't believe that the DFL practice of assuming that 95% of blacks are automatically going to vote for then, no matter what, aren't going to end badly for the DFL.

Because Scientific Studies are Really Important

Thursday, August 18, 2022

This Is An Excellent Piece We keep seeing more and more of these kinds of pieces from women who finally realize (and many who don't) the consequences of being a "slut". I wonder how long it'll take for more people to pay attention.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Random Stuff Presumably the people are run this clinic, and provide these medical procedures are "medical experts", how could this go so horribly wrong? No, absolutely no one is starting young children down the road to transitioning genders. It's simply not happening. There are "experts", and "best practices", and "guidelines", and all sorts of things... Because Monnkey Pox is a threat to everyone. Why exactly hasn't the CDC or other medical experts called for people to limit the activities that seem to be the most realated to it's spread? With a legal system predicated on the concept of innocent until proven guilty, where the court might ask someone who's been charged with a crime to surrender their passport as a condition of recieving bail, how is federal LE justified in simply taking someone's passport? Especially since the warrant didn't specify passports as something they were looking for. TULSI GABBARD: (D HI) "When you look at permanent Washington, you look at all the different hands that are involved. And as we're seeing this whole situation play out over the last couple of weeks, we see very prominently placed is the national security state and the mainstream media. And you've outlined some of these changing narratives and new information when they see the old piece of information wasn't quite having the impact that they wanted. It's hard not to be skeptical when you look at their tactics and their timing to really question what their motives are. To leverage their power and their influence. To have an impact on these midterm elections that voters will be going to vote at in just a few weeks. And to do what they have already stated publicly is their objective, which is to prevent Donald Trump from running for president in 2024. This is not something new." "Now, however, an expanding cadre of experts has come to believe that sex between men itself — both anal as well as oral intercourse — is likely the main driver of global monkeypox transmission." So I guess the guy I posted about who was looking for sympathy after he got Monkey Pox as a result of multiple orgies, at least one 4 way, and drinking piss, really did bring it on himself. "The Inflation Reduction Act will cut the deficit and fight inflation," Biden tweeted. "And we'll do it without raising taxes a single penny on families earning less than $400,000 a year." Is Joe delusional? Or just lying?

Monday, August 15, 2022

Just Curious

Is a black sociologist, college professor, who grew up in lower income, and who regularly cites peer reviewed studies regarding performance data of people of various races, an expert on the subject of "racism"? More properly, is this person an "expert" in the study of how race affects performance and whether or nont racism is a measurable factor in differences between racial groups on measurable performance metrics? Is "racism" and it's effects best measured by perfoemance differences between racial groups in the follwing areas? Graduation rates, proficiency on core academic requirements, socio economic status, literacy, etc. Are there other measurable metrics that should be added to that list, or any that should be removed from that list?

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Trust the Experts and the MSM or not?

It's Not Necessarily the Same

I'm hearing some on the right call for dismantling the FBI, and I'll admit that I'm somewhat sympathetic to their position. The FBI has a history, back to Hoover, of engaging in some unsavory things. They also do some things incredibly well. The best example I've heard of what dismantling the FBI might look like is something like what WK outlines at his blog. It would inlcude spinning off the FBI crime lab, national fingerprint database, and the technical support aspects of the FBI. Turn other aspoects over to DNI, The Secret Service, etc. Then block grant money back to the states to take up some of the things that the FBI currently does. I'm seeing plenty of the APL who are trying to equate this "dismantle the FBI" with "defund the police". The problem with that equivalancy is that no one is suggesting that we get rid of the functions of the FBI, more that we dismantle the beuracracy of the FBI to allow the functions to be done more efficently and with less partisan influence. We've seen what happens to crime rates when people take "defund the police" seriously and when individual police officers react to this movement. I guess we'll never see a good false equivanancy go to waste.

Medical Experts

I just scheduled an appointment with my primary medical expert. One thing that I can guarantee that will be discussed at the appointment is that he's going to tell me that I'm "overweight", or something similar. He's going to point out how my losing weight will make several of my medical issues less severe. I'll (hopefully) be able to point out that I weigh less than my last appointment, and that my exercise and changes in diet are moving me in the right direction. Of course he's right, I know he's right, and I know what I should be doing more of or less of in order to achieve the desired results. In all honesty, it doesn't take a "medical expert" to figure out that (up to a point) carrying around less weight is healthier than carrying around more weight. That more exercise is better than less exercise. None of this requires an MD or even a PA, LPN, RN or other degree to figure out. Yet for some reason I frequently see links to stories about some woman who's a size 18, or 20 or whatever who's chosen to embrace her "curvyness" and there's no shortage of people who'll jump on the "body positivity" bandwagon and cheer her on. Look at someone like Lizzo. She's a reasonabley talented singer and entertainer who (if assessed by a medical expert) would be classified as obese or morbidly obese. I suspect her BMI is far beyond what medical professionals would consider healthy. Yet, she's held up as an example of "body positivity" and people act as if she's an example of a healthy female human being. I guess I'm curions about how far this on=bsession with "Science" and "medical experts" that we've seen over the last few years really goes. I'm wondering how "body positivity" has somehow managed to trump science and medical expertise. To be clear, I'm not suggesting that people who want to be "curvy" or obese, or morbidly obese be prevented from doing so. I'm merely suggesting that pretending that a lifestyle that appears to be the antithesis of healthy be normalized as healthy.


"The President, after all, is the "Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States." U.S. Const., Art. II, 2. His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security and to determine whether an individual is sufficiently trustworthy to occupy a position in the Executive Branch that will give that person access to such information flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant." Dept of the Navy v. Egan SCOTUS 1987 As a matter of law the President has the ultimate authority to classify and declassify documents. Given that, it seems like the question regarding the Trump raid is were the documents declassified by Trump specifically of by his actions. A secondary question is how many classified documents are in the posession of former presidents or their libraries, and are these documents stored in an appropriately secure manner. If I haven't been clear before, I expect all former presidents to be subject to the laws of the US, and see no reason why they should be exempt from any laws. In practice this would seem to mean holding all former POTUS to the same standards, and treating them all the same. My problem with the Trump raid is that is has the appearance of being motivated by politics. As I've said earlier, if there is something to this then the Biden DOJ needs to move quickly to bring charges, and hold a trial. If they don't, then they've likely handed Trump the keys to winning in '24 if he runs. IMO, I think that I'd be perfectly fine with each incoming POTUS giving his predecessor a limited pardon that covers any and all offical or quasi offical acts while in office. Taking partisan politics out of this, this sort of thing (especially if it's continued as a partisan tactic) lust demeans the entire FOG. The pardon concept is a very general idea that obviously would need more thought before becoming a thing. BTW, I've seen a really compelling case made that POTUS can declassify something by his/her actions. For example, if POTUS shares a clasified document or information with someone who may not be cleared but POTUS decides has the need to know, the action of sharing that document/information de facto declassifies the document. I'm not saying I 100% buy this, but it's an interesting theory.

Kamala the scientist person

"Equity as a concept says recognize that everyone has the same capacity, but in order for them to have equal opportunity to reach that capacity, well we must pay attention to the issue of equity." Kamala Harris Please provide one actual scientific study that proves conclusively that every single human on planet earth has exactly the "same capacity" as every other human. I guess this spells the end of diversity?

Because Inflation

The DFL controlled congress decided to magically eradicate inflation, appease "Mother Earth", and give the IRS a private army all at the same time. Apparantly Pelosi believes that "Mother Earth gets angry from time to time and this legislation will help us address that.". I wonder when they'll pass the "Mother Earth Appeasement Through Virgin Sacrifice Act"?

Is This a Problem?

If Bob goes to a Dr and gets a prescription for a specific condition, if Bob ends up with unused pills what is an appropriate way to deal with the excess? Is it Ok of Bob "advertises" that he has extras and gives or sells them to people who want them? If he does so across state lines, does that change the nature of the transaction, or how you would assess the appropriateness of the transaction?

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

This rings True to me.

"My biggest issue with Donald Trump is that Trump loves people who love trump. Trump doesn't necessarily love Truth, where I think Ron De Santis loves Truth." TJ Moe. This short quote encapsulates what I lot of us think about Trump. It's clear that Trump's relationship with the Truth is elastic at best, nonexistent at worst. Trump is, and has been, out for what's best for him for his entire public life. Even though some of what he did when POTUS benefitted America and Americans, I don't think it's a stretch to suggest that what's most important to Trump the politician is how he's percieved, and his legacy. On a related front. If anyone thinks that Biden wasn't in the decision making loop regarding the raid on Trump's home in FL, then they're hopelessly naive or partisan. If anybody thinks that the judge who signed the search warrant wasn't at least partially motivated by his well documented dislke of Trump, then they're hopelessly naive or partisan. The reality is that this could have been handled in a lower profile manner than it was, and it's not unrasonable to think that the entire thing was just about piling more negative press on Trump to keep him from running in '24. If this raid doesn't result in swift prosecution and conviction, then I'm confident that it will backfire badly and make Biden look even worse than he does.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

I'd Seen This Story I saw this story the other day and flagged it as something I wanted to check out, and possibly write about. Fortunately WK beat me to it. The fact that we're seeing more of these stories about parents and medical "experts" who are prematurely encouraging children to "transition", seems to indicate that we really don't know what's happening with these children. Strangely enough, this news about the FDA warnings hasn't been widely reported either. I'm seeing reports that puberty blockers might affect brain development and function as well, although I haven't done all of the research yet. This rush to get children to transition, despite the incredibly high potentail risks involved strikes me as problematic. To be clear, I'm merely suggesting that when dealing with children that it's better to proceed slowly and with caution when making decisions that are irreversible and potentially damaging to the children.

Thursday, July 28, 2022


I think that most people would agree that honesty is important, and that it's especally important in our leaders and our news media. Yet, somehow that's not what we see. After Roe was overturned, we saw the news media, activists, and politicians harping endlessly about how women with ectopic pregnancies, and miscarriages would be dying left and right, and we heard about a 10 year old rape victim who chose to drive an onerous 2.5 hours to terminate her child. Yet, as we see in the article below, those concerns were all false. Somehow, the folks who bashed Trump for lying, don't hold others to the same standard. We now know that Dr Birx and others were less than honest about the COVID vaccine, yet many politicians and media members keep repeating the narrative, rather than the Truth. "I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection" Then there are the accusations of falsified research on Alzheimers drugs. How many billions did these folks recieve in federal funding, and how many millions did they make selling flase hope to Alzheimers patients and their families. Then we also find out that that most of what we've been told about depression isn't True. Finally, we don't see these sorts of stories getting nearly as much publicity as they should. The problem is that for too many, when the narrative is contradicted by the Truth, they choose to stick with the narrative because it's more attractive to them and aligns with their prejudices. Which is fine, until you start holding those you disagree with to a different, and higher standard. Brian Deese yesterday: "Two negative quarters of negative GDP growth is not the technical definition of recession." Brian Deese 2008: "Econimists have a technical definition of recseeion, which is two consecutive querters of negative growth." It's hilarious when people contradict themsleves, and when folks on their side make excuses for it.

Monday, July 25, 2022


I keep seeing and hearing bits and pieces about the congressional hearings around J6, and It's raised some questions. 1. It seems as though the Justice Department is actually conducting an investigation of J6 as well. Isn't DOJ better equipped to conduct this sort of investigation than the house? 2. Isn't the DOJ actually in a position to bring criminal charges and punish those found guilty? 3. Isn't the DOJ staffed with (theoretically) non partisan, non political, investicgtors and lawyers who are actually trained in both US criminal code, as well as in how to do an investigation? 4. Given the makeup of the J6 committe, in what way is this an impartial panel that is deciding the outcome? 5. What exactly are the rules and how are the accused guaranteed due process? 6. Do the accused have actual defense counsel to represent them and advocate on their behalf? 7. Who on the J6 committe has actual experience in any sort of criminal investigation? 8. Aren't the members of the committe, and their staff, by definition both partial and partisan? 9. Don't these congress members have anything better to do, like legislate?

Babe the Pig Boi The above is a link to an archived Twitter thread by a person who goes by the handle Babe the Pig Boi. Babe was outlining the journey that led him to contract Monkey Pox. This journey included two orgies where he had sexual contact between 30 and 35 different men, as well as a foursome with different men. In addition to that responsbile behavior he drank a large quantity of human urine as well. Data is telling us that Monkey Pox is primarily spread through gay men having sex. I know it's been a while, but does anyone remember what happened at the beginning of COVID? What was the primary response to COVID? What I remember is being required to modify my behavior. I was expected to wear a mask, social distance, stop meeting in person, quarantine, use sanitizer, and abide by all the rest of the restrictions. Yet somehow, no one is suggesting that men stop having sex with men as a way to stop the spread on Monkey Pox, I wonder why that is?

If a fetus is a baby.

There are two things going around social media that I wanted to address. The first is a Tik Tok video where a young woman puts out some what if statements about babies. Her statements are as follows. 1. If a fetus is a baby then there would be child support from conception. 2. If a fetus is a baby then the pregnant mother would be eligible for food stamps/welfare. 3. If a fetus is a baby then they should be claimable on one's income tax from conception. 4. If a fetus is a baby, then laws about assaulting (She probably means battery) would also include child abuse. 5. If a fetus is a baby than pregnant women should have gotten an exra $500 added to their stimulus payments. 6. If a fetus is a baby, then the parents should be able to get life insurance on the child. She adds, "I've had multiple miscarriages, if I had life insurance I'd be a millionaire." (or words to that effect) As someone who is is pro-life, I would absouletly support any or all of these being put into law, although I'd expect something in return. 1. That legal standing/personhood/constitutional rights/etc be acknowledged as beginning at conception. 2. That the father of the child has equal rights/say in what happens to the child if he is paying his child support. 3. That all laws as relating to the injury or death of a pregnant woman include additional charges/penalties for the child. 4. The potential for insurance fraud gives me pause, but I think that there are definitely ways to defend against fraud and make this work. If this young woman in particular (aand the pro abortion crown in general) really meant what these videos imply, I believe that virtually every single pro life advocate would gladly accept what I've outlined above with minor adjustments. The problem is that these sorts of things are based on a flawed understanding of the pro life position. I believe that the reality is that the pro abortion folks would never accept any compromise that codifies that life/personhood begins at conception, therefore these types of things are simply propoganda. I also find the seeming profit motive from the "I'd be a millionaire" after miscarriages a little disturbing. But if people want to profit from their miscarraiges, I guess it's not the most disturbing way to make money I've seen. The second is a meme that says: "Everyone's a biblical literalist until Jesus says, with no irony, that sex workers are mmore accurate an image of the kingdom of God than obscenely rich people will ever be.". The first and most obvious problem with this meme, is that it doesn't provide the reference that it's referring to. In a world where biblical literacy is low, there will be plenty of people who have absoluetly zero idea what Jesus actually said, who'll blindly accept this as sound, biblical scholarship. The second most pbvious problem is that the meme implies a complete lack of repentence on the part of either party. The notion that an unrepentant sinner of any kind accurately represents the Kingdom of God is simply ridiculous. Since this meme doesn't actually give anyone anything to work with (beyond bad interpretation), there really isn't any point in going deeper. The problem with both of these is that they rely on ignorance of the actual positions of the "other side" to try to push an inaccurate narative.

Monday, July 18, 2022


Lately we've been seeing an ad for a guy runing for congress. He's a black guy, who points out his background, and basically is focusing on two points in this ad. It seems that the two most important issues this guy sees are a lack of "green jobs", and not enough abortions. I could be wrong, but in a world of hideously bad inflation, grocery and drug store shelves that have big empty spots, a city that still hasn't built back from riots, black kids being killed by black adults in black neighborhoods, and the like, it doesn't seem like "green jobs" and propogating Margaret Snager's racist philosophies is a winning strategy. Unfortunately, he's likely to get is high % of black DFL voters simply becuase he checks some demographic boxes.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Will They Listen? I came across a couple of good pieces by left leaning writers for the Washington Post. While I'm dissapointed to see them figure this out, I do agree with their conclusions. It's interesting to see the polling that shows that many traditionally left leaning voting groups are starting to move away from blindly voting for the DFL, yet see folks on the left pretend that everything will be fine. I saw poll numbers that suggest that about 13% of Americans favor a virtual ban on all abortions, while about 13% of Americans favor unlited/unrestricted abortion up to and potentially past birth. Yet somehow the MSM and the left portary that 13% on one side as extremists and crazy, while advocating that the 13% on the other side are somehow in the mainstream. The fact the the headlines around this number will invariably read "87% of Americans favor abortion", instead of "87% of Americans oppose unlimikted/unrestricted abortion" should tell us something. As a conservative, I obviously want to see the DFL do poorly in the upcoming election. But, I then want to see conservatives actually get things done. It's not enough to win elections, we need to see results in terms of actual legislation. I realize that Biden is likely to veto anythng he gets from a GOP majority congress, and I'm fine with that. If we see a conservative majority in congress next January, then we should see Biden's desk flooded with bills for him to sign and veto. Force him to go on record and veto legislation. Set things up for the '24 presidential election by making Biden do something and actually have a ecord to run on. Fortunately, thanks to folks like Dan, I don't see the DFL changing their focus away from these fringe issues, because the true believers won't admit that these are fringe issues.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Not surprising News today is that Starbucks is closing 16 stores in parts of cities where their employees are not safe. As we've seen over the past year or so there have been increasing numbers of incidents where people (from the video I've seem mostly POC) who have taken it upon themsleves to ransack, rob, loot, cause damage, and threaten the safety of employees in retail and restaurants. Just recently we've seen video of mulitple instances of black women attacking food trucks and other food service establishments for no rational reason. The narrative will likely end up making Starbucks, CVS, Wallgreens and the like as the villians in this while ignoring the actual perpetrators, the Soros DA's, the fact that these incidents are largely happening in cities run by the DFL and who embraced "Defund the Police". The narrative will likely paint the locals as victims of corporate greed instead of bad government.

I appears that...

I looks like there is a suspect in the rape of a 10 year old in Ohio. We still don't know if it's the same 10 year old from what I've seen. The most interesting factor so far is that the guy in question is an illegal immigrant. We don't know what his past criminal history is, so I won't speculate on that. Of course this is just one more story that will disappear because the left wanted the 10 year old rape vicitim who had to drive a couple of hours for an abortion as the exception that would underpin the unlimited abortions narrative. Now they have an illegal immigrant who raped a 10 year old story, and we don't talk about how this guy shouldn't have even been in the country to rape this girl. Or how a background check might have shown reasons why he shouldn't have been in the country. It's all good. The girl got rid of her baby, Ohio is evil, and there's nothing else to see here. The spin on this one is interesting. The reality is that when Biden used this example, many people rightly pointed out that the story was an unconfirmed (single sourced) story that was being treated with more gravitas than unverified (single sourced) stories are. The OH AG said that he was unaware of any case specific case being pursued at the time he was asked that matched the information know at the time. Just to be clear, if this guy is convicted of raping this 10 year old, there is no punishment too severe for him. Castration is the minimum, and a sppedy appointment for the next execution is preferred. I suspect that there'll be some folks who'll push for him to be deported, because setting him free in Guatamala is the appropriate punishment for him. So Jill, what kind of taco is this guy?

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Random Stuff with some BVMLTT thrown in for good measure

We just saw a video of two young black boys actively engaged in hitting and verbally attacking two police officers for no apparent reason.    I can't believe that the parents bear no responsibility for two kids out on the street in their underwear showing a complete lack of respect for the officers.

 "I think it is abundantly clear that the most powerful "privilege"  in our society is growing up in a loving. low-conflict household witha father and mother committed to one another and their children.  That's what every aspect of our culture should be encouraging 24/7/365"

Delano Squires

"The problems are not because of white supremacy  but about deeper internal issues such as parenting or lack thereof."

Elijah Schaeffer



Lot's of folks on the left default to various "fact checkers" as the ultimate arbiter of Truth in society.   Well Biden told quite a whopper the other day and WAPO  "fact checked" him.    The most obvious reason why this story is problematic is that it comes from a single source.   So far there has been no independent corroboration of the story.    But, the best line is this, "With news reports around the globe and now a presidential imprimatur, however, the story has acquired the status of a “fact” no matter its provenance.".  Apparently in the MSM simply repeating something makes it a fact, regardless of whether or not it's actually True.

Remember back in the days of debating "Gay Marriage"?  Remember when the folks advocating "Gay Marriage" kept telling us "If only these wonderful gay folk were able to marry,  we wouldn't see all of the promiscuity that is so prevalent in the Gay community.".    Or "The Bible writers just didn't know about  the existence of monogamous gay relationships.  If they had then they'd have supported "Gay Marriage".    Well, it's happening.   We're seeing the early salvos in an attack on monogamy.  Gay's who revel in bathhouse sexual encounters, rejoice.  Your predilections will soon be "moral".

Oh look.   Masks didn't help stop the spread of COVID and may have made it worse.   Studies and data, and all that sort of thing.   It also looks like death rates among the vaccinated are much higher in the UK than for the unvaccinated.

Biden-  "None of what I'm talking about infringes on anyone's Second Amendment rights...I support the Second Amendment."

Biden (moments later)- "Assault weapons need to be banned...I'm determined to ban these weapons again..."


"Breakfast tacos"    Enough said.  


"Has anyone realized that when Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are still speaking on yur behalf the same way they did for your parents and grandparents that maybe something's wrong?  If these same men are speaking to the same problems decades later, then what's being solved?!"

Barrington Martin

"2 reasons why the modern 'left' has become unhinged over the decade: 1/ The big fights have been won. Society is more egalitarian than ever - both legally and socially 2/ The focus on working class people has been lost, and replaced by race and gender ideology bullcrap.

As a society becomes more equal, fair, and tolerant, and REAL racism, ethnosupremacy, sexism, homophobia, etc. decline sharply, you're left with millions of people fighting 'battles' that don't exist. Many end up moving things backwards with their fake struggles and bad policies.


I think this largely sums up why so many former liberal/lefties eventually find themselves aligning with people in the centre and centre right, as 'their side' accelerates recklessly into an abyss of performative activism, imaginary fights, and outright nonsense.
 'Old school lefties' are barely represented anymore in Anglosphere countries. They either find themselves having to adopt the progressive, woke claptrap in order to stay aligned with 'their side', or they end up aligning with more conservative people, and being labeled as such.
 In short, if you support having lots of taxpayer funded social programs, welfare, state subsidies, worker's unions, etc. but DON'T think women can have penises or that white people are inherently privileged, then good luck to you! "



Thursday, July 7, 2022


"I fear that some men would rather be damned than be laughed at."

C H Spurgeon


Some things seem to be universally True.  Although I'd  add that some men would rather be damned than be on the "wrong side of history".    

I guess it's an interesting look at what different people value more highly.  

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

I've posted abut this before

 A while back I posted about this and I've been reminded of it again.   

I don't understand how so many women have been convinced that the path to empowerment is to objectify yourself based on publicly posting pictures/videos of yourself as close to naked or posing provocatively as possible without running afoul of the censors.

I just saw a video of a state representative who posted a video of herself from behind, standing on her hands, topless (I think), with a very small bikini, twerking.   Leaving aside her physical attractiveness or lack thereof, I wonder what made her think that informed voters would see this and think that she'd be an excellent legislator.      Don't misunderstand, I'm not suggesting she be prevented from doing this.   I am wondering what convinced her that this video was the key to her success or empowerment.

I also just saw something related to Britney Spears posting a video from her honeymoon where she's rolling around on a beach, topless, lowering the top of her bikini bottom, etc.   I guess I find it a little strange that she'd be publicly displaying herself while celebrating her honeymoon, but I'm a little old fashioned.

Finally, there was quite the stir when the daughter of Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards decided to declare her independence by starting an Only Fans.  Surprisingly enough, dad wasn't thrilled to see his little girl entering that world, while Mom decide she'd go there to in solidarity.   

Throughout history we've been told that men just "Want a beer and want to see somethin' nekkid" as Jeff Foxworthy puts it.   So again, I'm struggling to understand how women putting themselves out publicly defining themselves and their worth by how far that can objectify and sexualize themselves by playing into the stereotypes of what men want, is somehow empowering to women.   I guess if you define empowering as making money from a bunch of middle aged perverts who get off on looking at young, naked, women then go right ahead.  Make the cash while you're young and desirable.  


Disclaimer:  I don't think women should be prevented from any form of trading their sexuality for cash, no matter how I personally feel about it.  I'm merely wondering how appealing to men's base desires is empowering women.   

I just saw an interview with Sydney Sweeney who is an actress on a very popular show.   Don't know/care about the show.   Apparently her character is involved in a lot of sex scenes or nude scenes, a quick look at her IG shows that she's not shy about her body.    In the interview she expressed shock that people were "sexualizing" her based on what she chooses to do on TV or other media.   The notion that she has any role in sexualizing herself doesn't seem to cross her mind.     Again, I could be wrong, but it seems like people perceiving someone in the way that that person chooses to present themselves isn't out of line.   It seems like we should have some degree of responsibility in the choices we make and how others react to those choices.    Again, I'm not saying that she should be prevented from making those choices or be punished for them.   I am saying that choices have consequences. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2022


" But the modern neo-Darwinian theory of evolution, orthodox among today's scientists, insists that evolution is an unplanned, undirected process. It combines elements of chance and necessity or natural law, a combination of random genetic changes or mutations, which accumulate through natural selection. These are impersonal material forces reflecting no preexisting intelligence and no guidance. As the outcome of this process, human beings are essentially unplanned acts of nature.

 When you die, you're not going to be surprised, because you're going to be completely dead. Now if find myself aware after I'm dead, I'm going to be really surprised! But at least I'm going to go to hell, where I won't have all of those grinning preachers from Sunday morning listening.

Let me summarize my views on what modern evolutionary biology tells us loud and clear -- and these are basically Darwin's views. There are no gods, no purposes, and no goal-directed forces of any kind. There is no life after death. When I die, I am absolutely certain that I am going to be dead. That's the end of me. There is no ultimate foundation for ethics, no ultimate meaning in life, and no free will for humans, either. What an unintelligible idea.

Christian humanism has a great deal going for it. It's warm and kindly in many ways. That's the good part. The bad part is that you have to suspend your rational mind. That part is really nasty. Atheistic humanism has the advantage of fitting natural minds trying to understand the world, but the disadvantage of very little cultural heritage -- and that's a real problem.

So the question is, can atheistic humanism offer us very much? Sure. It can give you intellectual satisfaction. I'm a heck of a lot more intellectually satisfied now that I don't have to cling to the fairy tale that I believed when I was a kid. Life may have no ultimate meaning, but I sure think it can have lots of proximate meaning. Free will is not hard to give up, because it's a horribly destructive idea to our society. Free will is what we use as an excuse to treat people like pieces of crap when they do something wrong in our society. We say to the person, "you did something wrong out of your free will, and therefore we have the justification for revenge all over your behind." We put people in prison, turning them into lousier individuals than they ever were. This horrible system is based upon this idea of free will.

Since we know that we are not going to live after we die, there is no reward for suffering in this world. You live and you die. I've seen bumper stickers (very sexist ones, actually) that say "Life's a bitch, and then you die." Well, whatever life is, you're going to die. So if you're going to make things better for yourself or for those you care about, you had better become an activist while you're still alive."

Will Provine



I keep hearing people who try to ground some level of objective or universal morality from an Atheist/Materialist/Naturalist/Darwinist worldview with little or no success.   The above are excerpts from a debate between Provine and Johnson.    It's interesting that Provine is so certain in his beliefs.  This notion that the most evil humans in all of history will simply cease to exist, somehow doesn't seem like it would encourage people not to commit genocide.  Why not abort babies at any time, for any reason?  Human life has no meaning, it's just some impersonal materialistic forces.  Under this worldview what could possibly be wrong with slavery?  Why is it a bad thing to harm people?  

Without intrinsic value and purpose, why would anyone care about human life?