Thursday, February 1, 2024


 12 guys in NY attack police officers and get released without bail.

Gay staffer films himself having sex with a dude in a senate hearing room, no charges filed.  

People regularly stealing from retail stores with no consequences. 

5 people convicted for praying and singing near an abortion clinic.  

Illinois just introduced a bill that would prevent pulling people over for speeding if it's less than 25 over.  

Sahara Dual charged with minor offenses after admitting running over a cop.

Guy attacks 2 female tourists, says he was targeting white people, yet doesn't get charged with a hate crime. 

Guy in Iowa changed with a hate crime for destroying a statue of Satan.

This is what Dan and his ilk think justice should look like. 


Marshal Art said...

This is what comes from voting Democrat.

Craig said...

Ultimately, yes. I think it might be more about being beholden to someone like George Soros and his financial backing. But since Soros is only backing DFL candidates, that's what we're left with.

To be fair, the NY governor has acknowledged the travesty of what happened with the guys who attacked the cops, so maybe...