Thursday, February 22, 2024

The New Normal

"Trans female" injures biological females in a basketball game.   No big deal.  

We've seen a number of recent stories about "trans women" being sent to women's prisons where they proceed to rape biological women.

51 year old biological male "identifies" as a teen aged girl in order to share a locker room with actual teen aged girls.  

All completely normal and appropriate according to the APL. 


Marshal Art said...

The downward spiral of our culture proceeds with growing speed. The modern progressive promotion of perversion and deviancy also continues unabated and celebrated as worthy of all acceptance. In the meantime, people striving to be moral in the truest sense are attacked mercilessly by those headed for perdition.

Craig said...

At least as believers, we know that the attacks are what we should expect. Even when they come from others who call themselves christian.