Thursday, February 1, 2024

Sow the Wind...


Hopefully one of these links will get to the video.   Make sure to listen to it all.  


Listening to this black woman go off on the government because of their treatment of immigrants is amazing.   The fact that the democrat governor of MA and the democrat (racist) mayor of Boston decided to deny access to a community rec center to residents who live in and pay taxes in the community has her pissed off.   Listening to the while liberal woman make excuses for this and for their declaration of "sanctuary cities", is pretty damn funny.  These idiots are reaping the whirlwind that they sewed, because of their commitment to performative virtue signaling

I wonder if the woman realizes that her votes are what resulted in this situation, if the people she put in office are the ones who did this?

Obviously, the entitlement that the woman demonstrates is problematic but at the same time when a city government buys off it's citizens with a "free" rec center that parents come to depend on for it's services,  the city government has clearly broken it's promise to it's taxpaying citizens.  

One more happy taxpayer cheering on the city for giving his tax dollars away to illegal aliens.  


Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I'll bet both these people vote Demokrat. They slit their own throats by doing so.

Craig said...

That's the point. If they voted, they voted for the people who are now screwing them. If they didn't, they likely supported those in power for some reason.

At some point those who live in urban areas need to look at the promises of their elected officials, and compare those to the reality they live in. Then they need to ask themselves if it's worth going against years of habit, and the pressures of their community, to try something really new and different. I think we're starting to see this of late.

If they ever do switch, then the GOP needs to actually make things better or they'll lose those votes forever.