Thursday, February 22, 2024

Do As I Demand You Do, Not As I Actually Do.


Well, this is certainly one way to stop global warming.

"Climate hero" Taylor Swift flies from Tokyo to Vegas to watch her boyfriend play football, then sends her private jet to pick him up so he can join her in Australia.  

Look, if I had Taylor's money I would think nothing of dispatching my G or Dassault (she doesn't even buy American) to pick up friends, or hopping in my jet for all sorts of reasons.   I also applaud Taylor and Travis for making extra effort to support the other in their endeavors.  

What blows my mind in the blatant hypocrisy of the climate change extremists on these types of things.  They have no problem with P-BO living in multiple huge mansions (without housing immigrants) or Gore, Kerry, and the rest demanding that others make sacrifices they refuse to make.  Even to the point of trying to prevent a private citizen from accessing public records to track the use of private jets by people like Swift.


Marshal Art said...

Hypocrisy, thy name is "Modern Progressive"!

Craig said...

Absolutely. But more than that is this imperative to punish anyone who has the temerity to disagree. Dan's blog is a microcosm of the larger liberal world. Any disagreement, especially if it's framed outside of his arbitrary, narrow, shifting, parameters is met with deletion and followed with misrepresentation. I'm not unhappy I've been banned from there.

Marshal Art said...

I'd hate to think Dan is typical of most leftists. But he's certainly typical of the very worst of them.

Craig said...

I think that Dan style leftism is becoming more prominent. I think the difference between his and the worst, is that he'll stay silent when leftist extremists to crazy shit. If pushed, he'll muster up some tepid generality and blame the "right wing", because the "other guy" does it worse is his go to excuse.

Marshal Art said...

I'm not sure we really disagree here, but I'm saying Dan IS the worst. He's like the poster boy for all that's wrong with the modern progressive who are the extremists of the left. He's like the old joke of finding his picture when one looks up "moron" in the dictionary.

Craig said...

I do think we disagree. I'd argue that the "worst" are the people actively engaged in trying to push the leftist agenda. The people out in the streets, the people screwing with elections, the people who actually DO things. Dan doesn't DO anything. He applauds of stays silent when others DO things, he'll occasionally write a blog or FB post, but he doesn't have the courage to actually risk anything. He's perfectly comfortable to sit in his little southern echo chamber surrounded by a few people who agree, maybe he'll make some art or sing some songs, but put himself at risk? No. It's why he waits until immigrants filter through the system and walk into his church or office so he can feel good about "helping" them. He'll jet to Europe on vacation, but not to Europe of the Middle East to help people or protest the oppression of Muslim countries. He'll sit quietly when Christians are slaughtered by Muslims, or by "trans" activists in Nashville. He's an occasional talker, he's not a doer. He'll whine about St George of Fentanyl, but he couldn't be bothered to get off of his ass and join the protests. He's a keyboard warrior who'll blithely cheer for his side, while ignoring the excesses his side engages in, but he won't DO anything. Well, he'll reflexively vote for any DFL candidate regardless of their policies (while claiming that he won't), which means he'll contribute to the problem, but I don't think he's' the worst.