Monday, February 5, 2024




Much like the post from a while back, the DFL obsession with bringing in immigrants no matter what puts those who failed to follow our immigration laws in a position where the tax dollars of the US poor and middle class are supporting them.

How is it possible that these unspent COVID funds can magically become a slush fund for government support of those who chose not to follow immigration laws?   How is it that these funds weren't returned to the feds, or used for people who suffered because of the response to COVID?

This is simply insane.

"Green" energy, my ass. 


Marshal Art said...

I could add all these to my post "This Is What Comes From Voting Democrat"

1. "Disgusting" doesn't go far enough. In other places, kids are being denied the use of rec centers for the same reason. Those being displaced are generally related to Dem voters who are the biggest whiners about the disgusting practice. But of course, intelligent voters are negatively impacted, too. Equity in action...everyone suffers.

2. Hey yeah! Let's all dig deeply to support law breakers! That's the best way to prevent more law breaking, right lefties?

3. More leftist theft of tax payer dollars to put bandages on self-inflicted wounds.

4. Clearly this English broad is a moron. Clicked on her name and that was confirmed, as she's a Democrat.

5. Trips between old home and new (which I took often for the four years my daughter went to college in SC) takes me past a huge wind farm in Indiana. No doubt they're doing the same thing there as well. Only morons would think "green energy" is working, and working for us.

The saddest and most frustrating thing is how I can't shake the growing feeling of contempt I have for friends and family who vote Democrat. It's getting to the point that just seeing pictures of them reminds me of their complicity in all which has made life more difficult.

Oh! But we mustn't discuss politics!! Yeah...that's working out really well!

Craig said...

Feel free. The cost of the "green" wind energy is insane, unsustainable, and clearly hidden from most of the sheep in the movement. Either that or they're too stupid to recommend that the money to pay for that has to come from somewhere.

I posted about the rec center thing last weekend.

As far as wind and solar go, if I ever get my dream property, I'll likely have both as backups in case of emergency. Or to sell power back if I don't need it. Hell, if someone ever perfects a 20 year shingle with solar cells built in, I'd go for than the next time I re roofed. But that's a far cry from this boondoggle.

Marshal Art said...

I think wind and solar work best in smaller applications. As you suggest, using it to supplement standard energy sources, or as a backup during an emergency makes great sense. Many people have lights which are solar powered, and there's this power generator being advertised for emergencies which is charged with its own solar panel. Heck, if I had stream on my property, I might even use the current to turn paddles as to generate power.

But these large scale wind and solar panel farms do not seem to provide an efficient or reliable alternative to oil and coal, and they still balk at the notion of building more nuclear power plants, which is arguably the best of the bunch.

Craig said...

I agree. I suspect solar probably has a better ROI than wind because of the fewer moving parts that need to be maintained, although the notion that covering green land with miles and miles of solar panels doesn't seem to fit the green ethos very much. Obviously, the reliability of wind especially is nowhere near coal or nuclear. Likewise with solar. I think that problem with all of these is the fact that the government is mandating this crap and lying to us about the negatives. If an individual utility chooses to add wind and solar because it makes sense for them, I'm all for it. If individuals or neighborhoods want to add either, again I'm good with that. It's the notion of the government mandating that we be forced to rely on energy sources that are less efficient, more expensive, and less reliable and using our tax dollars to do it. On top of our rising energy bills.