Thursday, March 14, 2024


 Let's say that you lived in a place where there wasn't really any police protection.  Further, let's say that you have a neighbor who built himself a trebuchet (or a catapult, a cannon, a mortar, or howitzer).   Now let's say that your neighbor regularly uses their trebuchet to lob, say, 100 projectiles into your yard in a day.   Now let's say that this lobbing of multiple projectiles per day was something that happened regularly.   

Would you stand by and do nothing?


Marshal Art said...

It seems to me there are so many easy analogies one can craft to highlight the inanity of leftist/marxist/modern progressive opinions.

In your hypothetical, one could seal up any holes by suggesting the lobbing projectiles results in property damage and serious injury or death of family members. If one was to prepare a response to accompany pleas and warnings to one's neighbor, and failing any regard for same by one's neighbor, should launching said response result in harm to the property and family of the neighbor, only a modern progressive would focus on the suffering of the neighbor's family rather than on what led to such consequences.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I'd pull out my 30-30 and unload I their direction. Or my 12 gauge.

Craig said...


It does seem clear that some modern progressives could spin quite the fantasy tale around this situation. But no matter how they spin it, it seems safe to conclude that any action against the neighbor would result in condemnation of the responding party.


At some point, that would definitely be an appropriate response. I'd start by wrecking the trebuchet, but at some point...