Tuesday, March 19, 2024

That's Messed Up!

 "BREAKING: NYC homeowner is arrested for changing the locks of her home to kick out squatters who broke in. In New York, people illegally living in your property automatically become the legal tenants after 30 days. NYPD police arrested Adele Andaloro for unlawful eviction of a tenant."










A few years ago, during the height of COVID, I approached am older woman who was in foreclosure about the possibility of selling her house and avoiding foreclosure.   She agreed that selling and getting some money out of the house was better than losing it in foreclosure and we got it on the market. The issue was that she had her son and 3-4 of his friends who were"renting" rooms. At first they were very accommodating and said that they'd be no trouble when the house sold. Long story short, the house sold and they were no accommodating at all. Fortunately the government had given them the perfect excuse with the eviction moratorium. Ultimately we got them out and the seller walked away with a nice quarter million dollar check instead of 0. 

Recently I've seen a spate of news stories about squatters moving in to people homes and refusing to leave. In one case the homeowner was arrested for changing the locks when the squatters were no there. There's a guy in CA who has a business of getting squatters out of houses. This is absolutely insane. The notion that someone can move in uninvited and magically be protected by the state while essentially committing theft is crazy. What the hell good is the concept of private property if it's this easy to steal one's property? Why do squatters have more rights than homeowners? How can a homeowner be arrested for making changes to the property they own?  So far at lot of this seems to be coming from states with left wing state governments and a bizarre affinity for those who steal on a grand scale. Maybe it's not, but I guess we'll see. 

I want to be clear, though. We are literally talking about theft here. Were talking about the state sanctioning someone coming in and depriving you use and access of your legal, private, property worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you want to legally rent the property, sorry, the squatters and the state won't let you. Want to sell, same thing. What a F@#$%d up world we live in when the government sanctions and protects on this scale. What's next, teaching illegal aliens this trick so they get free housing?  


Marshal Art said...

They won't have to teach the illegal invaders. They can simply move into any home owned by a member of the Jeff St congregation in Louisville, KY where Dan pretends to worship God. Not a one will be barred from entry and staying for as long as they like.

Craig said...

Good point. I am positive that Dan leaves his front door unlocked daily as a welcoming sign to the these refugees. I'm also sure that he keeps his larder stocked with plenty of food so that these refugees can eat their fill. Just like P-BO has been incredibly welcoming of these refugees by filling up all of the unused bedrooms in his multiple mansions that disproportionately contribute to his carbon footprint.

Marshal Art said...

Because the modern progressive cares!

Craig said...

Sure they do.