Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Things Might be Changing


It's good to see these sorts of stories and scrutiny of the "trans" medical industrial complex.   I can only hope that we'll see more of this sort of reporting in the future.  

For years we were assured that children were not "transed" at all, and that the process of "transing" was a lengthy process with multiple safeguards.   Yet we see more and more examples of this not being the case.  My position remains the same, if an adult wants to surgically alter their body for whatever reason, they should be allowed to do so.  This elective surgery should not be covered by insurance, or if covered should be a separate policy.   I firmly believe that children should not be able to undergo elective surgery or any medical treatment which will cause unalterable changes in the function of their bodies, while they are still legally minors.

A new study finds that the "trans"/suicide argument made by so many, might not be as strong as they claimed. 


Marshal Art said...

Like all things LGBTQ+, lies are essential for moving the agenda forward, because truth can't do it.

Craig said...

In this case, I suspect we'll see quite the throne of lies. I hope that the folx who've been mutilated sue the medical industrial complex for billions.