Friday, March 22, 2024

Unintended Consequences, Election edition.


"NEW: Frank Luntz Warns CNN Seizing Donald Trump's Properties Will Backfire: "You Are Going to Elect Donald Trump" "He’s going to go up in the polls just like he went up every single time they indicted him." "If the New York Attorney General starts to take his homes away, starts to seize his assets, it's all going to be on camera, pundits are going to sit there and scream about this, and you're going to create the greatest victimhood of 2024." "You are going to elect Donald Trump." "Why is Donald Trump beating Joe Biden when he's got 85 indictments? Felonies? Trump is leading, and in the seven swing states, Trump is up by the margin of error in five out of seven; why is that happening?" Luntz, who isn't a Trump supporter, realizes that the American people do not want to see their country turn into a banana republic. Americans do not want to see the party in power imprisoning political adversaries and confiscating their assets, not for clear crimes like murder or bribery, but rather based on novel and dubious interpretations of the law. If the legal system can be weaponized against a former president, what hope does an ordinary American citizen have. "
 Luntz is anything but a Trump supporter, I think he was a pollster for the Clintons back in the day. I think he might be on to something. It would be absolutely hilarious if all of this DFL effort to get Trump ended up being the very thing that pushed him over the edge and ensured his winning.
Meanwhile, this bit of seeming hypocrisy doesn't look good for Leticia James.  


Jesse Albrecht said...

I think that the best case scenario for Trump this November is that he loses the general election by just a hair line. Maybe the passage of time will prove me wrong, but I'm not holding my breath for anything. Even if he does manage to pull off a win, the upcoming progressive House supermajority will simply refuse to certify it. Our culture is shot and most people don't give a crap what is going on anyway.

Craig said...


I'm torn. I think that if trump loses by a hair, he'll use that as an excuse to run in 2028. He'll claim fraud and whatever else he can, regardless of what happens. I think that it would be better for Trump and the GOP if Trump lost by a landslide and that we could finally move past Trump and into the future.

I think that a trump win will be "better" for the country as a whole. Even if we end up with a DFL majority, he can at least shoot for gridlock which would be better than what we have now.

I'm not quite that pessimistic. I think that US politics is a series of pendulum swings and the we've swung so for left that some reliable DFL constituencies are starting to question their loyalty. I also think we're seeing a swing across Gen Z that is inching back to the right.

As I said, as long as the GOP has the ability to keep things locked up, I think that's as good as we can hope for until we get past Biden and Trump.

Jesse Albrecht said...

I too think that we should move past Trump. It really has gotten annoying.

Craig said...


Shhhhhhhh, don't say that where Art can hear you. :)

I agree, he might have been the right person for 2016, but I'm not sure he's the best option for 2024. Be that as it may, I'd rather have him than Biden and it would get him off the stage for good.