After a bit of prodding and respectful pressure, Dan came up with a list of specific policy proposals that he believes would help to improve the immigration situation in the US. I'm posting his comment in it's entirety to maintain the context that he wrote it in. I'm also posting it here, and will be responding here, because I would rather not be subject to the restrictions on commenters that Dan often implements. I will deal with each point or points in a separate post, to allow for some focus on the specific point and to make it easier to keep track of.
Finally, while I realize that the nature of a discussion is that it will wander away from strictly sticking to the original topic and don't want to stifle that natural tendency to drift, I reserve the right to delete, edit, or relocate comments comments that go too far astray. Personal attacks, foul language, and general vitriol will be grounds for adjusting comments.
------------------------------Dan's Post----------------------------------
1. End the criminalization of Immigration, especially and specifically for those seeking safety/a better life.
I would still have check points and background checks as we do now, but
it would NOT be a crime if you ended up across the border without the
proper documentation. I would not take children from their families if
they were found across the border without documentation. It would be a
paperwork problem, and you would be required to get your paperwork in
order, but NOT a crime, because it isn't a crime, morally speaking.
Criminalizing seeking safety IS a crime.
3. Engage in
public/private/ONG partnerships that will provide safe havens in
countries where a high degree of danger exists. 3a. FUND THE STATE
DEPARTMENT sufficiently, this can be done by ending the huge investments
in the Defense Department, as many military leaders request be done.
This is done recognizing that more nations being stable and safe reduce
the need for military responses.
3b. Make financial reparations for
all the poorer nations that we have exploited or caused damage to. We
should begin, for instance, by paying our war crimes debt to Nicaragua,
but it would extend far beyond that.
4. Implement a targeted effort to improve living conditions in countries with high numbers of people who want to immigrate.
5. Implement a more accurate/faster screening system.
6. Eliminate quotas based on country of origin.
Work with other countries to facilitate spreading out immigration. As a
very large and extremely wealthy nation, our fair share would be larger
than smaller nations with fewer resources. Of course.
8. Base
immigration policy on evaluation of individual situations. IF someone
reports fleeing danger/starvation, take that claim seriously, because
turning away someone in such circumstances would be criminal.
Establish a four pronged system to effectively deal with different types
of immigrants. 1. Highly skilled immigrants, 2. Refugees, 3. Lower
skilled immigrants, 4. Criminals/terrorists. If there were any
priorities given, it would be to those fleeing violence/starvation.
Since we would have decriminalized immigration, Sanctuary cities would
probably disappear... but to the degree that any cities were still
providing sanctuary for whatever reason, Good on them, may their tribe
increase. Providing sanctuary IS the business of government when it's
properly working, as well as the business of individuals, churches and
other civic groups.
11. Anyone who lies about their status, age,
or any material fact that would give them an advantage to immigrate,
will be permanently blocked from access to the US... would be a policy
that would go away because it is presumptuous and probably racist.
Anyone who lies about their application BECAUSE they wish to cause harm
would be held accountable, as all people who wish to cause harm are held
accountable. Lying about one's age or other points for reasons of
escaping violence is a reasonable thing to do. Nonetheless, it will be
discouraged and we'll let people know that the old way of criminalizing
immigration is done away with.
With criminalized immigration and
the demonization and racist tropes espoused by the current
administration go away, it will become apparent that the old sheriff is
gone and a new, more reasonable and adult and moral day has come.